Chapter 1

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The cycle continued for 5 months until we both started our first semester of school together. Ever since the first time we met both of our families had routine dinners, outings, and game nights.

It felt like we were childhood besties but it also didn't because it was always so one-sided. I was the only one making an effort to befriend the other. I feel like we've only said a few words to each other since we've met.

His attitude was starting to seem childish not wanting to communicate with me but he probably just doesn't like me. I haven't done anything even remotely embarrassing yet for him to dislike me.

Whatever the case was I had better things to worry about.

The only downside was that our parents wanted to watch us do everything together that even meant riding the same city bus to campus.

Though I was only 19 I still hadn't gotten my license yet and I wasn't allowed to drive until I did so taking the bus or picking up a ride was my only option.

There's a lot of things I hadn't done yet in my life.

In case I forgot my introduction which I'm sure I did here it is.

I'm Hwang Hyunjin, a visibly queer young adult who didn't have a license, a sex life, or a significant other.

Mr. Struggle.

The true me inside desired a friend or someone to talk to. All of my friends are back home in Seoul I couldn't see them in person making it super lonely here. I can't stand it. Being stuck inside a house with just my parents and younger brother wasn't something I wanted my whole time to experience college.

I've never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend or even done some ungodly things with another person but it's cool I wasn't rushing the process a lot of young adults my age still haven't done the same. right...

I looked out the bus window before glancing over at Felix scrolling through his phone with his headphones in on full blast. The bus was cramped and my mind was running a mile a minute so I insisted on having a normal ride.

The bus eventually pulled into the campus plaza bustling with people and banners and tents everywhere. The mascot was greeting people with the flag team members at the entrance and I smiled peaking at the buildings towering in the back.

I feel I made a great decision choosing this school. The field court looked like a perfect setting for me to record my future podcasts or just do some photography.

I sighed thinking of all the things I'm going to get experiencing here. The bus stopped and not a moment later Felix nudged my shoulder.

"Are you gonna just sit there? The professors aren't going to come to you" I side-eyed him and took my time to let him out of the corner of the bus and walk past me.

I eventually got the courage to speak up for myself against him. "Excuse me isn't hard to say ya know!" I snap grabbing his wrist. He looked up at me stopping in his tracks before I let him go.

We both then got off the bus before going our separate ways. If he wanted to be a dick I'll let him but I wasn't a fucking coward and he wasn't going to talk to me any kind of way.

I gripped my bag choosing to ignore the bullshit and keep it pushing. The campus became even more huge as I walked to the entrance.

There was a body of students handing out club and sorority flyers even job applications. Walking closer there was another student who seemed more like a senior giving out baked cookies with icing of a pride flag on top.

The guy gave me a cookie and I gave a closer look reading 'Student Body President & LGBTQ+ Ally Community Founder' He had a whole promo on an entire treat.

"Welcome to EEH you look like a freshman," He says bluntly looking down at me. "Uh yeah I am nice to meet you" I introduce myself to the older shaking his hand.

"I'm Lee Minho this year's Student body president and whatever else it says on the cookie" He chuckles and I smile opening the plastic. The first person I meet and they basically ran the school plus they were queer. "I'm Hyunjin wow nice to meet you so your also-" I stop myself unsure of how to word what I wanted to say.

"Oh sorry, here you are here's a pamphlet of my pledges and everything we have planned this year, today the LGBTQ and ally community are holding a pep rally hopeful of people to join our club," He says handing me a book filled with his campaign promises and other things I couldn't wrap my head around.

First off there was an LGBTQ club nothing sounded more exciting to my gay ass-

I didn't even get a chance to find my class building and I was already finding cute dudes who definitely aren't my type along the way. "Thanks see you around!" I say coming back to reality and waving him goodbye before looking for the Communications building.

After about 30 minutes of exploring more of the campus, my first class started and I walked in expecting nothing less than the huge auditorium before me.

I walked up the huge steps finding my seat near the middle. Internet Literacy was my first class of the day and the beginning of my new future.

After finishing the first 4 hour class of the day I found myself at Chic-fil-a grabbing lunch. I was sweating bullets and so hungry I forgot how homophobic Chic-fil-a's founder was but shook my head pushing the thought away I was too hungry and didn't plan on wasting my food because of it. Guess I'll remember for next time.

I stood up to take off my jacket when a familiar freckled face boy bumped into me pushing me into the table and getting in the pickup line. I eyed him the entire time. I knew he saw me standing here. Instead, I choose to ignore him being weird to me and enjoy my lunch by myself.


He sat at my table taking his chicken sandwich out of his bag and taking a bite out of it. I couldn't help but shake my leg in anticipation. I had to say something to him.

"You know I don't care if you don't like me, but you're not going to bully me!" I snap crossing my hands and glaring into his soul as he continues to eat his sandwich unbothered ignoring me again.

"Why'd you sit here if you're only going to ignore everything I say? Grow the hell up and leave me alone then you don't have to be near me!" I snap digging into my fry box and shoving several waffle fries into my mouth.

I crossed my arms over my chest watching as Felix dug into his bag before pulling out a wide red plate wrapped in plastic. "Can you give this to your mom for me?" He says setting the plate on the table.

It's been 5 months since I broke that plate and he still bought one for my mom as a replacement. I pick it up and look it over it was the same plate she had before but brand new. "Oh thanks then" I mumble

"And Hyunjin," He says firmly and I gulp hearing my name roll off his tongue heavily. It's almost like on timing I feel my ears flare up and I just knew they were turning red.

"Watch how you fucking talk to me" He snaps standing to his feet shaking the table in the process. He grabs my lemonade and gulps it down eyeing me down without losing contact and walking out of the restaurant.

At this point, there was no excuse for it.

He's genuinely a straight-up prick huh.

this won't be slow burn I promise
but uh yeah I'm back writing stories after a couple of years what better way to start with than hyunlix.

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