Head to Head Part 3

Start from the beginning



"Damn it," Tony cursed, staring at the wall. He looked back at the remnants of his team that were with him. Falcon and Hulk... great. Things just got a thousand times harder.

"That was weird. I know SHIELD has emergency lockdown doors, but I don't think they're supposed to be in every hall," Falcon said and he made a good point. Tony remembered the plans for the Tricarrier. It didn't include these. He'd file that away for later. Right now he needed to focus on the task at hand.

"Weird or not, it happened. Someone is trying to slow us down. We keep moving towards the cargo hold. The others will likely do the same," Tony said.

"Uh... which way was that again?" HulkFalcon asked. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Sam.

"Lead the way," he said and gestured. FalconCap nodded they stealthy began to make their way through the halls.



James carefully checked around the corner for agents. He didn't know if the agents or MODOC knew that they were technically an agent down but he didn't want to take that chance. No agents yet. He turned down the hall and kept going. This place felt like a maze and it didn't help that he didn't know where the Avengers were within it. He was practically flying blind.

"Dev," a voice sounded from behind him. He whirled around, alarm bells ringing. He saw before him a few SHIELD agents holding guns. At first he thought they were going to open fire. It took him a second to realize he wasn't being targeted here. "Devon you alright?" The same person asked. It was one of the agents, male and looked to be in his mid 20's. The was something off about him. Off about all of them. Their eyes... just like him when he's Rogue, their eyes are wrong. "Devon!" James blinked and nodded, deciding to play along for now.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just having a bit of a rough time trying to locate them," he said, hoping to God they didn't recognize his voice was different. They stared at him a moment. He hoped the mind control was enough to make them look past it.

"You got shot dude. You fit for this? The Avengers are dangerous and we need your top performance to bring 'em in," The agent asked. It didn't seem they noticed the difference in his voice.

"I'm fit. I can still do this," James affirmed. The agent nodded and handed James a hand gun, something he could easily use even with his hurt shoulder. He looked it over, made sure it was loaded and cocked it. He could stay with these guys for now. As long as they bought that he was this Devon guy, it was good cover. They know the ship better than he does and, due to MODOC, probably know where the Avengers are heading. "Let's go."


(~Freedom Fighters~)

"We've already checked this area for supplies. We need to go further," a woman said, geared up in some kind of full body suit, complete with what looked like an extremely worn out police vest.

"Look, I agree we need to go further, but this town is the least touched by Ultron and we maybe able to use some of the materials in the buildings." The man next to her stated, his own mix matched outfit making him stand out. It seemed like there was a suit he was wearing as well but it was more covered.

"Yo small fry, over here," one of his crew yelled from their right. The man, dubbed small fry despite his height of around 6 ft, sighed, giving the woman a defeated look when he realized she was chuckling at him.

"I hate it when Jack calls me that," he mumbled. Next to him, a small, rusty droid that barely reached his knees in height and had the appearance of an insect, shook with beeps that imitated laughter. "Not you too." The droid just proceeded to laugh as they moved to join with Jack.

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