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Why is it so hard to know that you love me?

The pain of the past is making it hard to forgive those days;

Why can't we go back in time and change our ways,

It's making it hard to write these words on a page,

The blank look in your eyes as if you rose from the dead, but you didn't want to resurrect

Why can't my mind bring me back to better times?

Or bring back the good times that never happened

Or back in time when my mom was there

Why can't I forget the smell of liquor that came off your breath.

So potent so pure filling my lungs with despair,

Why is courage so far down my throat?

Lodging in my esophagus making it hard to breathe,

Stumbling trying not to choke on the words I speak,

Why do I have to live up to your dreams?

When you are watching out bodies drop to knock on heavens doors.

Acting like you never had the chance to live your life,

Will this be the end of me?

Why is it that I only have horrid dreams?

Splash does the liquor when it hits the floor,

Every night that passes by.

Hoping to stay strong and wise,

Thoughts filling my mind with lies,

My soul departs from this body and says goodbye.

Why am I the enemy in this terrible fight,

A living nightmare coming to destroy what was once mine,

Will this be the end of me?

Why is this letter the only way to get through to you;?

The letter luring me in looming on the desk listening to every thought that crosses my mind,

The night darker than a demon's eyes,

Why is this the way I am going to say goodbye,

These thoughts coming back to stab me one last time.

Heart's racing rushing to win a race,

Why is it so hard for you to feel this storm that is consuming me?

When this letter gets to you, I will never get back to you,

It's not because I am resentful but because the light has already surrounded me, and the darkness has overtaken me

Which became the end of me

Pain and SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now