The professionals and the counterfeit goods each went their own way, neither bothering the other, complimenting each other very well...even though the sound of "Don't Look at Me, I'm Only a Sheep" playing everywhere in waves was a little nauseating.

Fei Du put his hand on the car door and nodded to Luo Wenzhou. "Come on, let's go have a look at the place the child ran from."

Luo Wenzhou inconsiderately hitched a ride, and meanwhile pointed at his shirtfront. He spoke in very "feudal lord" tones: "Dress properly.—What kind of mass hell-raising were you getting up to out here?"

Fei Du lazily gathered up his shirtfront; without looking to see whether the buttons were aligned, he carelessly did up a few—the result wasn't any better than having it open, because his drenched shirt still hadn't dried all the way. "Racing."

"Racing convertibles?" said Luo Wenzhou.

"Motorcycles. Two of them overturned, too. Before you guys closed off the road, there was an ambulance that took away someone who'd fallen and fractured a bone." Fei Du gently put the car in motion. Using a rare cheerful tone without disparagement in it, he teased, "Of course, it really may be a little stimulating for the middle-aged and elderly."

Luo Wenzhou looked down at the mud-splattered boots on his feet and, to his sorrow, suddenly realized that he perhaps really was quickly approaching middle age—because he couldn't comprehend how these youngsters could be so vacant.

"What happened to your hand?" Fei Du carelessly darted a look at the three stripes on him. "Who was so fiery?"

Luo Wenzhou was focusing on listening to each search and rescue team's progress report. He inattentively answered, "Your little brother."

Fei Du was bewildered.

"Got it, pay attention to the difficult to reach places. A child would be under some psychological stress after an experience like that, perhaps she'll have hidden herself somewhere." Having spoken, Luo Wenzhou put down the walkie-talkie and turned to Fei Du. "Do these look like a primate's claw-marks to you? No common sense.—That trash mixed-breed cat Tao Ran gave you, did you forget? You little whelps. Whatever you do, it's two and a half days of novelty, and then we have to follow picking up after you."

At first Fei Du paused. Then he seemed to remember something, and his initially half-closed peach blossom eyes suddenly opened wide.

The night was hurtling past the car windows on both sides. For a long while he didn't answer, until they saw bright lights up ahead, already drawing near to the scene where the girl had initially run from. Then Fei Du finally spoke, in a tone that was hard to read. "After so many years, you still have it?"

"Oh, what else would I do? Give it to you? If you want it, hurry up and take it away, just don't come bringing it back to me." Remembering Luo Yiguo, Luo Wenzhou's hand hurt, and he involuntarily scratched it again. "Stop the car a little farther away. The child may have left footprints, don't disturb them."

Fei Du accordingly stopped the car at some distance. "Do you...uh, need to get vaccinated?"

Hearing this ordinary inquiry, Luo Wenzhou was very shaken—more shaken than if Luo Yiguo had run over to him for a cuddle. He was even a little tongue-tied. " need, the last one hasn't expired yet."

Out of the twelve months of the year, Captain Luo was in an "unconquerable condition" for eleven and a half of them. The doctor who gave him the vaccine had proposed to get him a "yearly card," moving from retail to wholesale.

When Luo Wenzhou's shock had passed, he couldn't resist taking a cheap hit. "You being so filial all of a sudden makes me a little panicked."

Fei Du reined in the unusual expression on his face and once again put on his obnoxious drawl. With a smile that wasn't quite a smile, he said, "Caring for lonely elders is everyone's responsibility. Tsk, keeping company with a cat in the endless night seems very desolate."

Silent Reading 默读 [BL Novel by Priest]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें