"The Dark Tiger was looking for you and Kim Rok Soo, Soo Hyuk-hung. This is the first after many months though."

Lee Chul Min and the others were curious as to why the Dark Tiger suddenly got active and searched for Lee Soo Hyuk after many months of staying silent. It was indeed weird that the Dark Tiger actively sought out someone right now when it didn't even do so in the past months after their battle with the Electric Eel. Most of the shelter people are growing reluctant since Rok Soo said his ability were sealed because of overusing it, thinking that the Dark Tiger might attack them. Although they don't know if that was possible, but considering how strong the abilities that their young commander displayed, it is not completely impossible.

Cale watched the Dark Tiger with seriousness and sighed as he put down On and walked towards the monster that Alberu was currently using as his shell. Raon picked up On and followed Cale, they were able to pick up that the current situation is most likely something related to Cale saying he'll meet up with Alberu, and the only one who's looking for him and the man Lee Soo Hyuk was this Dark Tiger.


Cale called out and reached out his hand to touch the Dark Tiger's mane. Cale's eyes were focused on the dark pair of orbs that was reflecting his own reflection. 

"You... and..."

Alberu trailed and looked down at Raon and the two Cats the young child was carrying. Lee Chul Min and the others who Cale met and passed by earlier while they are walking on the hallways, the young child who has a beautiful pair of deep and bright blue eyes following their cold commander without feeling frightened of how sharp and stoic he look was a peculiar sight. Most of all, this is their first time seeing someone so close to Kim Rok Soo.

Raon observed the Dark Tiger and slightly tilted his head before his eyes brighten while looking up to the monster who oddly gives off the same demeanour as someone the three children knew so much.

"Ah! It's the Crown Prince!"

Raon, carrying On and Hong in his arms walked faster until he's in front of the Dark Tiger. The others who were watching this couldn't help but feel slightly scared for the child who approached a Boss Monster without any hesitation. They were astonished to see how a child, barely the age of 10 was brave enough to stand so near the Boss Monster who had slaughtered many monsters only with its fangs. 

But what caught their attention more was what the child called the monster.

"Crown prince?"

Kim Min Joon, Kim Min Ah's brother who's currently with Lee Seung Won and Lee Jin Joo, repeated the title that the child called the Dark Tiger. His face- no, everyone's face who also noticed it, their faces displayed great curiosity as well as great disbelief. 

Memories of the unbelievable event not long ago played in his mind. The way that monster called Kim Rok Soo his dongsaeng and introduced himself as Alberu Crossman, it was something so similar to this situation right now. 

The black-haired child who was looking up to the gigantic monster with a bright smile and curious eyes is such an unbelievable sight. 

"If television still exists... this will become a hit."

Jin Joo and Seung Won can only nod while watching this unfold in front of their eyes. They either shut their mouth and waited for the next scenes to unfold as if watching a drama.

'Ah... popcorn would be good for this.'

"...Rok Soo, who might this adorable child be?"

Cale sighed while watching the two. Alberu was clearly enjoying this right now, even though this isn't the time to be playing around and enjoying this type of attention they are getting. Cale's head was throbbing, but he still proceeded and lightly patted Raon's head and let his hand rest on top of the little dragon's head.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself?"

Raon looked up to Cale. His human doesn't look like Cale Henituse, but a completely different person. However, the most familiar and similar thing he has that resembles Cale Henituse is the pair of reddish-brown eyes that were looking at him right now. 

Raon smiled brightly as he nodded his head, "My name is Raon Miru! and this is On and Hong!"

Raon did not forget to introduce the two cats he's carrying. The pair of siblings with golden eyes stared at Alberu with a small grin on their lips. Although those who are watching this thinks that it is cute how the child named Raon didn't forget to introduce his pets, to those who know what exactly is going on, they can only sigh.

--...They're enjoying this.

Cale can only grumble inwardly because he also agrees with what Kim Rok Soo said. 

Indeed, the three children and Alberu were clearly enjoying this.


ahahaha... I'm sorry if I updated this after a long time😥 I had to familiarize myself with the characters on the sealed god test arc and reread the whole arc too because I srsly forgot most of the characters😂 those Korean names are hunting my head and I am srsly getting confused and mixing those names all up my gosh😂

And so, I hope you like the chapter! (✿◠‿◠) my apologies if you encountered typographical and grammatical errors while reading, this isn't edited yet so please do excuse me. And, my apologies if you find the writing style lacklustre, I am still improving(❁'◡'❁)

Thank you so much for reading!

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