how the meet you

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Credit to narancia_ghirga_ for helping me pit with this book they did Jonathan's as well as will zeppilis part for me they are very helpful and nice at writing please follow them 😊


(Also I know in the 1800s men avoided birth but lets ignore that bb)

Jonathan held Erina's hand through it all, carefully watching Erina’s expressions. Erina held a firm grip on Jonathan's hand, her eyes were watery, tears threatening to fall. Jonathan was worried out of his mind, there were so many things that could go wrong, he was usually so sure things would be perfect yet worry was on his mind.

Once you were out of Erina’s womb the doctors took you to be cleaned and run tests, which made Jonathan worry even more. But Erina finally felt decent(ish) so Jonathan was feeling better. Once the anesthesia wore off Erina and Jonthan made their way home with you. 


he was taking a walk at night, to clear his mind when he suddenly heard a baby crying it wasn't like him to just ignore a call for help no matter what call it was animal or human they both deserved to be helped, he then walked into the alleyway he heard the crying from and found a baby who looked like they had been placed at the side of the trash and left there to rot away and die he then approached the baby (oh your approaching me?) Slowly as not to scare it and make it cry louder then it already was He then picked up the baby 

"Awww your so cute im going to have to take you home with me cute little thing, oh wait you need a name hmmmm" speedwagon thought for a second then he got it 

"I got it i'll name you y/n" 

 he said as he booped your nose he then thought to himself 

'I live in a dangerous place and the people there could possibly kill this baby but leaving this baby here to die is even worse then not taking it in" 

He then went home to ogre street…

●Dio Brando 

10pm at night dio sat in a chair in the joestar Mansion thinking of a way to end the joestar family when he suddenly heard a knock at the door it was a faint knock but he still heard it he then got up from his chair and went to open the door he then found a baby who was sleeping peacefully in a basket he then bent down to pick up the baby and it was then he noticed a note it read: 

"Please take care of my baby I have no money and I want my baby to live a happy life even if it is without me in it therefore I leave this baby with you I trust that you will not harm them" 

He then sighed, he couldn't just leave the baby there out in the cold so he took it in shut the door and locked it then sat with the baby in his arms 

"Your name is y/n little one and i'll take care of you as best as I can " he said with confidence 

●William Zeppeli 

Just like Speedwagon he was walking during the night, it wasn’t that late though, only around 11PM. After everything that happened he wanted to calm down, William heard your cries and assumed there was danger nearby. He was quick to find you laying down on your back whining.

He assumed you were only around 4-6 months old based on your size. He picked you up and looked around, you were all alone. Go fig. William held you close and feld the place he found you, bringing you to his place.

“How cruel could someone be to leave a baby on the streets?”


He was playing with his adopted child Elizabeth (lisa lisa) out in the yard of the house when he suddenly heard footsteps and bushes rustling he put a protective arm around his daughter and looked when a beat up woman came out of the bushes with a basket in her hand she was crying she then spoke 


she got on her knees her head all the way on the ground the basket in front of her, at this point he knew she wasn't a threat and lowered his guard on letting go of Elizabeth in the the process.

"I see i shall take care of your child then" he said 

"Thank you, t-there name is (y/n)"she said 

She then started getting up to run away but she then got shot in the head before she could even take another step forwards straizo's eyes widened at the sight you and Elizabeth both started crying you scared of the loud noise that just sounded and Elizabeth scared of the scene in front of her very eyes straizo then covered his daughter's eyes picked up the basket and ran inside.

A/n sorry if it sucked first time trying this y'know they might be to ooc tho

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