Chapter 2

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The girl's p.o.v

I felt a hard surface hit the back of my head. "Ouch." I murmur. I look around to see a beautiful scenery. Stars, the moon and, "planets?" I thought? "Oh no." Did I accidentally teleport myself to space. WAIT IF I DID, MY HEAD IS SUPPOSED TO BE EXPLODING ANYTIME SOON. I try to use my power, but then I look at my body. I'm eleven again! That means I didn't teleport myself to space. But if I didn't, where am I?

I hear steps coming towards where I am, and I try to find a place to hide. I'm hiding behind a curtain as a woman walks in. She's wearing a purple cloak, with a matching, shiny hat. Her dress, or, more accurately, gown, depicts many things used for astrology. Palms, stars, constellations, and planets are all over her dress. It was so enchanting, I failed to notice that she was marching toward my direction. When I did, I let out a short yelp, and quickly covered my mouth. She hadn't heard me, had she?

I got an answer to my question, but it wasn't the one I was hoping for. Her eyes gazed straight at me, and after a few moments of silence she asked," Well dearie, when are you coming out of there? I've been awaiting your return, you know. Your mother comes here every day around this time! What a pleasant surprise today will be for her! Your father too. Actually-" she twittered away in her chirpy voice, but I didn't pay much attention.

I feel sorry to say this, but I may have harbored some ill feelings for that woman. Talking away with no meaning, wasting my time. After coming out I interrupted, "When will my mother come here? I really have to speak to her."She looked a bit deflated, but tried not to let it show. "Well, they're supposed to come at about 5 pm. Would you like something to eat until they come?" As suspicious as she looked, it would have been bad manners to not accept her invitation. I nodded and as she went to the kitchen to get us tea and biscuits, I wandered around. I found the clock and read the that the time was 10 minutes to 5. I could handle this woman for 10 minutes, so I sat and waited patiently.

She came back in, set all the cutlery down, and made herself comfortable. Then, she started to tell me stories about her life as a fortune-teller. You might think I was interested, and of you did, you thought wrong. As much as I believe in magic, I don't believe this tom-foolery. As she spoke, she told me to enjoy myself, but I refrained from doing so. There would be plenty of time to enjoy when I met my parents. As much as it didn't seem like this, I was squealing inside. I was going on see my family, my true family after so many years! Would they be nice and kind as my other parents, or would they be uncaring of whether I returned or not?

10, 20, and then 30 minutes passed by, but my parents didn't come. Even the woman thought that this was unusual. All my previous feelings of suspicion had been erased, as she truly seemed to think that them not coming was a bit weird. "She's usually here by now, your mother. WAIT, I know! I've visited her plenty of times at her house, so I can give you her address!" She wrote down the address and gave it to me, telling me to go on my way. I gave her a tight-lipped smile. As I left, I thought about how much time I wasted there. I let out a sigh and started on my way.

As I reached there, I grew nervous. What if they don't want me there anymore? What if they think that I'm some imposter, and kick me out? These, and other doubts ran through my mind. Nonsense, I'm sure they'll recognize me, I told myself firmly. I mean, they are my parents. I reached the door and knocked. Once, twice, then five times. I was about to give up and walk away, but the door opened. I was shocked, but happy to see who was there. "Mother...?" Was it really her?

The woman stared for some time, and then said," So it really is you..." I threw myself in her arms, and she gladly embraced me back. This feeling of warmth was similar to the one I had with my muggle mother, but it was stronger, some how. It made me feel as if I was safe in her arms, and no one would ever harm me.

She invited me in, and after exchanging some pleasantries with each other, she told me that I had to go to school. "I know you might be surprised, but Eli-" "Mom, I'm not surprised. I know fully well that I am educated in all the arts of muggle, not magical beings." My mother laughed, and I blushed. Had I said something wrong? "You have such a formal tone for an eleven year old child, dear. Lighten up a bit. You're home." "Home with me." She added, wistfully. I nodded happily, and she chuckled. "Now, come one. I'll help you unpack." I nodded, and was about to go outside to get my suitcase when my mother stopped me. "Wait, you're a a pure-blood witch. Let me show you how we unpack." She smirked, and brought out a stick. Or, a more accurate term, a wand. I watched, amazed, as she flicked it and bright my suitcase in. She unpacked all of my messy clothes and made them fly upstairs to my 'new room', she called it.

After I took a bath, I came outside of my room to the smell of something delicious. My mother laughed at my expression, but I was too ravenous to feel embarrassed. "They're called cauldron cakes." "Wow, I never knew they looked like this." I'd heard about them in the books I'd read, but the author never clearly described what they looked like. If you're curious, they were tiny, black cauldron shaped brownies. My mother added some chocolate out side on the 'brim' of the cauldron to create the effect of potion dripping out. Of course, she used her magic to actually have chocolate dripping out of the brim. She also decorated it with sprinkles. It tasted simply divine. The chocolate was so creamy and soft, it melted in my mouth. "You're a good cook." I tried to say with my mouth stuffed full of cake and chocolate. She laughed, and said," Well this is your dinner tonight." You'll be staying with me a few more months, so I can educate you about some things every pure-blood witch or wizard needs to know." I hated that title, but I didn't tell her. I would tell her when we developed more a of a familial relationship with each other.

I suddenly remembered." Where's dad?" Her face fell, and her eyes grew watery. Oh no. The worst thought of all the worst thoughts came to my head. He couldn't be, though, right? "I'm so sorry honey. He died a few months after you disappeared." She started to sob loudly, as I tried to process the information. When I did, I comforted my mother, who, in turn, comforted me. We stayed like that all night long, in each other's arms. When I awoke in the morning, little did I know I was in for a surprise.

If I was in Harry Potter...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ