Chapter 15: Im always here, always.

Start from the beginning

"Still the same overprotective man you were before I see." I giggled

"Yes I am" Gabriel smirked.

I didn't know what else to tell him but I did want whatever this was happening right now to end. I needed him to know Everything he should know.

"You know Anthony got a Lieutenant position?"

Gabriel brought his arm up to my check stroking it softly. "I always knew he would be Lieutenant. God I wish I could have had been there physically"

"We all miss you Gabe. And I want you to know. Just because I get with a new guy. I will always love you. Crap your the reason I'm a mother" tears rolled down my cheek bone as Gabe pulled me into to his chest as he hugged me tightly

"I know you will Drea. I know you will-"

I shot up from the bed now back in the original setting of Jon's room. He wasn't next to me but moments after I had woken up. He came running into the room

"You ok??"

As I breathed heavily. Attempting to process what the hell just happened, Jon climbed into the bed sitting next to me as he started running his hand down my back

"I know what I want."

"What do you mean?" Jon questioned

"I wanna be with you. Now not after the runoff. Now and I can keep a secret as long as I can. I just wanna be with you. Not anyone but you"

Jon smirked as he took my hand into his "Then it's just you and me Andy, you me and the girls. No one else"

"No one else"

Our lips finally connected. After minutes of just sitting there. The feeling of Jon's lips against mine after us both finally confirming we were together made me feel so much better. All the worries about moving on. All the worries about what Gabriel might think. Gone. It was just me and Jon. And no one else.

I pulled away for air. Jon had a huge grin on his face as he placed his face into my neck pressing kisses to it "you know we can't be here all day" I laughed placing myself onto Jon's lap wrapping  my arms against his neck and my legs around his torso.

"You want breakfast?"

"What are you gonna make? Eggs? That seems like a basic person food"

Jon rolled his eyes at me "oh so your judging me now?"

"Oh don't be a big baby"

"Can I have another kiss" Jon pouted

I giggled leaning Towards his face "will you stop being a big baby?"

"Yes" Jon mumbled as our lips collided

I was so happy this was my actual new reality. I know I alway said that Jon and I would only ever be friends but that was clearly a huge lie as of now.

"Ok now I really think we really gotta get out of bed before we do something that makes us not wanna get outta bed" I pulled our lips apart causing Jon to let out a huff.

"Fine, I'll start making breakfast and no I'm not making eggs. You do whatever girly things you need to do but don't be long"

The story of my life { A Jon ossoff fan fic }Where stories live. Discover now