Romanoff: Bruises

Start from the beginning


Your body feels light and faint, weak and vulnerable. You open your eyes cautiously but are blinded by an illuminating light as you tightly shut them. Shoes enter the room as they tiptoe over to you.

"Your awake." Someone states, tapping violently on a device.

You begin to open your eyes slowly as the light becomes bearable. You gaze around you, you are in a confined room. A white room to be exact, like a hospital room. No windows, the only exit is the door that the person who entered the room came from. You look to your right as a woman hovers beside you.

"Err, hello?" You awkwardly ask, watching as the woman twitches her fingers back and forth.

"Why hello y/n, I am Doctor Lenslow." She softly speaks, twirling her fingers around the plait in her hair as she speaks.

"And why am I here?" You ask, anger begins to seep into your voice as you try to decipher what happened.

"Nat- Agent Romanoff brung you in, told us you needed help straight away. So we helped you out, healed you up, you are almost brand new now!" She answers, almost bouncing with joy.

"Agent who?" You confusedly ask, raising your hand to your head as you ruffle your fingers through your knotty hair. Furrowing your eyebrows as you groan with tiredness.

"Agent Romanoff..." She repeats, her mouth gaping open with shock.

"Am I meant to know who that is?" You ask furiously, starting to get frustrated with the woman.

"The Black Widow?" She says, as her body slams down onto a chair. She rests her hand on her mouth, which is still open wide in shock.

"That assassin thats part of those superhuman guys?" You state, shuffling your body up the bed as you begin to look at your wounds.

"Not just superhuman guys... The Avengers!" She shouts with enthusiasm.

"Yeh well, not my cup of tea you see." You awkwardly confess glancing over at the woman who sits there in utter shock.

"Anyways, what have you done to heal my wounds Doc?"

"Ah yes of course your wounds, we inserted a few metal slides in to keep your knee bone in place. Might feel a bit strange for a couple days but you will get used to it. Just a little fixup, nothing too serious although it did look pretty painful on the outside." She answers, strolling her hands over a device.

"Right okay so when can I get back to my people?" You retort.

"Your people?" She stands awkwardly as she speaks, tracing her fingers through her hair. What is she hiding?

"I will take it from her Lenslow." A familiar voice echoes in the hallway as a beam of red shoots around the corner. The Romanoff girl.

"Yeh you have some explaining to do." You angrily state as the redhead strides into the room. Her arms tightly crossed around her chest as she gazes down at your fragile body.

"You can tell me what to do when your not in the hospital bed." She grins, as she glares down at you.

"Doc give us the room will you?" She asks, facing the doctor with a kind smile on her face. The doctor nodded nicely and hurried off, closing the door behind her. You shuffled up on the bed again, getting more comfortable wincing slightly due to the pain on your knee.

"Still hurt?" She asks as she takes a seat next to you. Inching the chair closer to the bed slightly.

"Hurts like a bitch." You cheekily answer, she smirks.

"So why have you paid a visit? Romanoff, thats the name right?" You question, lazily placing your hand on the pale sheets.

"You can call me Natasha." She smiles.

"I came to discuss a few things." She begins to say, shuffling her feet awkwardly on the smooth floor.

"Let me guess, you are intrigued as to why my people defended ourselves against you superhuman people?" You state, anger begins to seep in but you battle it off to stay calm.

"On the right track. Stark has given me a brief description on the scenario, who your people are, what your aim was, and who you are." She states.
You gaze at her questionably.

"Then why are you here?" You question, tilting your head to the side glancing at her pretty face.

She blushes at this, as she brushes it off swiftly.

"Alright then, came to see how you were. Happy now?" She sarcastically replies, glancing away to avoid any awkwardness.

"What you taking me under your wing or something? If so, bad luck because I need to get back to my people." You retort, arranging yourself as you attempt to lift your body from the bed. Natasha rushes to stop you, pushing your legs back under as you barge her off.

"Apologies y/n, but that won't be happening." She responds, shoving your body back under the sheets.

"What do you mean? I need to go back." You frustratingly state, latching your hand around hers and pulling her towards you.

"It's complicated." She says.

"I can listen." You state, anger thick in your voice.

"Fine." She huffs.

"When we came to your village, there were many... many casualties from your side. We didn't intend for this but your people didn't back down, not even for the Hulk. They posed a threat and had the wrong intentions. Some fled, escaped, some were captured and are in questioning at the moment. So it looks like your little band of enemies is seperated." She delicately says, resting her arms once again around her chest as she gazes at you to see your response.

You contemplate what she just said, trying to think back to the tiniest details.

"So- why are you here then? Why are you with me? If we are the enemies why aren't I dead right now?" You state, slamming your hand violently on the sheets as you stare at her. She looks back at you alarmed.

"I thought you deserved a second chance." She softly whispers. Catching you completely off guard.

"Second chance?" You question.

"A second chance yes, your a skilled fighter and although you had the wrong intentions I personally believe you weren't fully dedicated to the assignment your team had planned." She speaks, gently taking your hand in hers as she nods her head softly at you. You gaze at her for a couple of seconds in shock.
Why do you deserve a second chance, after everything?

"That's a rather kind gesture Natasha but I don't deserve it, I think it's best I leave." You mumble, your head dropping downwards. Natashas face fills with concern as she gazes over yours.

"I think it's best you stay here for a while, never know you might enjoy it." She kindly replies, tracing her fingers delicately on the back of her hand as she squeezes it reassuringly.

You ponder this for a couple of seconds.
"And how would me being here benefit you and your superhuman friends?" You question.

"First off, its the Avengers. Second off, it wouldn't hurt to have a few new faces around. Might make some friends." She softly speaks, her emerald eyes meeting yours for a brief second as she mumbles the last words.

"I'll think about it." You kindly answer.

"Alright well, I will leave you to rest some more. I will be back tomorrow to check up on you, if you need me I will just leave my number on the side for you to ring anytime." She states, as she fiddles with a pen on the desk.

"Thankyou." You whisper, as she edges towards the door.

She swivells her head around to see you.

"Anytime." She whispers back and fades away back into the shadows.


Please let me know what you think of this, debating whether to do a couple more parts to this one! :)

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