Chapter one

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Alexa woke up to the sound of the alarm clock on her table."Sh*t, why does it have to be so damn loud ,she cursed,well this was the usual routine each morning so the alarm clock took no offense, l mean wasn't she the one who purchased it.

She hopped down from her bed and headed towards the bathroom,she brushed her teeth,had her bath then wore one of her favorite outfits; a big grey t-shirt coupled with a baggy jean and her grey snickers,then she rolled her hair up into a messy bun,wore her black designer glasses and headed towards her garage. She took her white Lamborghini Urus and headed towards a Cafe to get her usual breakfast.

She sat down by a chair close to the window when her phone rang, she picked it up and saw the caller it was her best friend Stacey Gray, her only friend rather, she was grinning from ear to ear and she picked it up and heard Stacey" hey baby girl, what are you up too?

" I'm doing the usual, breakfast at Billy's Cafe, nothing special"._Alexa..
" What?,girl why do you have to be so damn wicked, huh?, I am starving and you don't even care if I had breakfast"

" Oh, please stop acting like a baby okay?_Alexa.
"Fine,am going to school am not going to join you" Stacey said and hung up.
" Pftttttt, always acting like a baby", Alexa said while leaving the cafe. It was a fifteen minutes drive from the Cafe to her school so luckily she still had time.

She got to her school on time she still had ten minutes before lectures, as usual she sat down at the back, she wasn't really a school person. She preferred to have her lectures at home, if you didn't know better you would think she wasn't smart, but actually her grades where actually surprisingly good, for someone who always crave for a mediocre and simple life.

The bell rang ,indicating it was time for lectures, the lecturer who was bald walked in, he never really liked this class or the school itself but the pay was pretty good so he had to endure it. He was bald and fat, students always loved mocking him so the same as usual he said"good morning",and majority of the class said "Sir, why didn't you used the hair gel I gifted you?".

"Probably because there was nothing to use it on" another said and they started laughing, he was used to all this mockery so he just used his 'so called' killer smile and said "morning, today we are going to be revising some of our past lectures, you will soon be graduating so we are going to do revision till your exams , open your accounting text books to page 101.

He blabbed and blabbed and blabbed or so she felt that was what he did. "boring" she said under her breath. The lecturer for the first time decided to ask questions,"damn,this is bad", she cursed under her breath because she wasn't listening at all, she was smart but she didn't have magical powers to know what was in the textbook so quickly, she tried to read it quickly when he said "Miss Brown, could you please tell us your own understanding of the page.

Obviously not knowing what to say she said" it u-m ,u-mmm", she kept stammering "pssss, psss, a Blondie by her side was calling she then whispers "look," at first she was in a trance because the Blondie was absolutely gorgeous , snap out of it Alexa this isn't the time to admire a beauty she said to herself , she looked down to her paper and found the answers,

She straightened her body and cleared her throat with all the confidence she could muster and
then "it talks about why firms do not use cost volume analysis in planning and decision making"she said beaming , there was silence because most people thought she didn't know the answer but to their suprise she actually did,they clapped and she
sat down the bell rang and it was
the end of the class .

The lecturer left the class, the students too,"Um, thanks for your help, you really saved me" she said feeling uneasy.

"No problem at all" but if you want to repay, you could let me be your friend", Alexa then finally understood her motive.

"Of course you can"she said, both of them talked and laughed till it was time to go home. Alexa got in the car and drove home.

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