[7] A Stormy Mind

Start from the beginning

Even though he has been out doors more recently due to making friends with Pico. Which was rare of course. Never knowing he'd finally have a friend by his side as he lived in the forest. He felt as if he'd be alone forever constantly. But, I guess the future does have some surprising packages for you. Even if they are for the bad or good.

''The hell,''

His eyes shot up as his head did in sync, staring at the ginger who gazed back down at him as well. A bit concerned by his tone of words as he'd tilt his head.

''You doing okay there?'' The angel curiously asked. Only to see him slowly unzipping his coat as he'd raise an eyebrow. Everything being out of context for him as he just awaited to be filled in on what the ginger was trying to do.

As he'd remove his arms from the holes of the coat where his arms belonged in, he'd finally hold onto the hood of the jacket as it soon was handed towards him. Eyeing at the piece of warm cloth in front of his face as Pico hung it in front of him.

''But- Why?'' Keith mumbled as he'd question his actions. I mean, it was freezing. He needed it more than him he felt like. Sure, he was freezing to death. Shaking at moments but, kept shrugging it off as nothing more.

''It's literally going to possibly rain, are you insane?'' Pico responded with a chuckle in confusion.

Without a doubt, the angel finally gave in as he'd kindly take the black coat as his cheeks redden by the sweet sacrifice he was willing to take just for him to be warm.

Keith slowly placed the coat onto his back as he'd run his first hand and arm into the left sleeve socket as he'd place in the other one into his right. Finally having on the warm coat as he was embarrassed to even look up at him now and thank him. Hugging his knees slowly as he'd nod quietly. Responding gently,

''Thank you, Pico..'' He was thankful he was finally cozy now as he wasn't the very best with the cold, same going for his wings. Them hiding in the jacket as he'd hug himself for warmth.

The cozy angel soon recognized the heavy scent that stunk up his nostrils in a pleasing way. He suspected the coat to stink. Knowingly enough the two weren't seriously sanitary as they both lived in the middle of the woods. Just, it's scent was weirdly sweet? Gently blurting out in curiosity,

"Why does it smell decently nice?''

That one question soon led the air between the two silence as it hurt his brain. I mean, now rethinking his choice of words, it sounded a bit creepy. Ready to apologize for his words up until he heard chuckles escaping from the ginger. Hanging his head up at him as Pico laughed at his obviously weird words.

''God,'' Pico choked on his own spit as he'd gaze at him in a charming smile while folding his arms together as he'd stare down at the angel who sat in shock by his laughter.

''you're weird, I like that about you!''

The ginger of course did not mind his very random comments. Honestly, finding that a cute trait of his. He understood how embarrassing it could be by saying the incorrect thing or pronouncing a certain word wrong. Sometimes, when he was reading out a certain word while having a conversation with one of his fathers, he'd sometimes blurt out the word he was reading over out loud in the middle of explaining something.

It was comfortable to know somebody close of his struggled with the same issues too. I mean, he was always feeling as if everything he did was a mess. Why he feared to even stand up and read out loud to the class as he just knew he would slur his words while stuttering as he tried his hardest to even read out a word in the books sentence. But, some how he was perfectly capable to cleanly read out loud to Steve and Captain. I guess the fact his rude classmates who usually picked on him for his missing tooth didn't help his social anxiety.

Gentle Wings (Pico x Boyfriend) FNFWhere stories live. Discover now