The Whole World is Watching

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Ruth and Sam followed Zemo into the building and into one of the luxurious rooms. The girl was still not over the fact that Zemo and his family were rich. Sam must've noticed her amazement since he nudged her shoulder as they entered the room, "See something you like?" he teased.

"Shut up," she said, hitting his arm. The girl had to admit, the room was beautiful but it wasn't good enough to forget what Zemo did, "When do you think dad will be back?" she asked, flopping onto the couch, "I don't know how long I could be in a room with him anymore," she motioned over to Zemo, pouring himself a drink.

"Hopefully not too long," Sam said sitting beside her, "Are you okay? I noticed things between you and Bucky were a bit tense on the jet."

Ruth sighed, "Yeah. I think we just had a lot of stuff going on," she said, "I'm sure things will be fine before you know it."

She felt Sam get up off the couch and she turned onto her side, facing the back of the couch. As soon as those words on the jet left her mouth, Ruth wanted to take them back. She didn't mean it and deep down, she knew Bucky knew also, but she still felt awful about it. He didn't deserve to be snapped at like that, he was only trying to check up on his daughter. She wished she hadn't pushed him away like that. She really needed him right now, with all these old memories and emotions flooding through her. No one understood it except her dad, so no one else could help her through it.

Ruth heard the door to the room open and the familiar sound of her dad's footsteps. She sat up from the couch, wiping a stray tear from her cheek and looked over to him. She almost felt ashamed to look at him but he glanced back over at her. His heart told him to go to his kid since he could tell something was wrong but his head said to stay focused. He didn't have much time to find Karli before Zemo was going to be gone.

"The Wakandans are here and they're here for Zemo," he said, walking over to the kitchen area.

"Did they follow you?" Sam asked.

"No," Bucky said.

"Are you sure?" Zemo asked skeptically.

"I know when I'm being followed," Bucky shot back.

"It was sweet of you to defend me," Zemo said.

"No one's defending you," Ruth muttered under her breath. She shifted so she was now facing the rest of the people in the room, "You killed Nagel."

"Do we really have to argue over what may or may not have happened?" Zemo said.

Ruth rolled her eyes at him and were about to respond when she saw her dad out of the corner of her eye. He was holding a phone and reading something that caught his attention.

"You straight shot him," she heard Sam argue.

"Dad? What's up?" Ruth said, getting his, Sam, and Zemo's attention.

"Karli bombed a GRC warehouse. Eleven injured and three dead," he said.

"Damn," the girl mumbled.

"They have demands and if they're not met, there will be more bombings," he continued.

"She's getting worse," Zemo said, "I have the will to complete this mission. Do you three?"

Ruth moved from her spot on the couch and to the bar stool next to Sam. She felt her dad's eyes linger on he for a second before going back to Zemo and Sam.

"She's a kid," Sam said.

"You see something in her that's not there."

"Like you're a good judge of character," Ruth retorted, earning a slight smile from her dad but an annoyed look from Zemo.

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