Chapter 3

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In the area they group rested in, a strange staircase opened descending further downward. They obviously went down it hoping to find a way out.

Y/N : Why the hell is there a staircase in a labyrinth?

Yue : It may have been built by the Mavericks.

Hajime : Mavericks?

Yue : Former messengers of the gods, however they rebelled against their masters.

Y/N : Pretty ballsy to fight a god, though the thought does sound fun. What happened after that?

Yue : Doing that almost ended the world however they failed. Then they fled to the safety of these labyrinths. Maybe this is one of those labyrinths. This staircase may also lead us down to a possible exit.

Y/N : It better, this place is getting pretty dull. Onward.

Walking down the stairs led them led them into a hallway that was different from the rest of the labyrinth. It looked decorated with a paved road and lined with crystal pillars.

Y/N : If Dark Souls had taught me anything, its that this is a boss fight.

Yue : Boss fight?

Hajime : Imagine a powerful enemy we have to fight.

Then a quiet whisper was floating in the air, a whisper only Y/N seemed to hear. It was female and had a rough undertone to it. He mindlessly followed the direction of the voice. Hajime and Yue instantly took notice.

??? : Come.

Yue : Y/N are you ok? *Shakes Y/N*

Y/N : I hear something calling to me. I-I-I have to follow it.

Hajime : Y/N stop!

A large symbol the glowed on the ground in front of them and a 6 headed serpent emerged from the ground. Hajime tried to shake Y/N to out of his trance, but it wasn't working however, he did get a response from his friend.

Y/N : It's fine, deal with this. I'll find you.

Hajime was shocked then that turned into a smirk. He pat his entranced friend on the back and walked away from him.

Hajime : Use that sword to kill who's fucking with you, and if you die I'll kick your ass.

The serpent roared at Hajime and Yue as the the two prepared to take it on. Y/N who was walking away, was whispered orders by the voice.

??? : Behind the staircase, feel the wall, and you shall find the way to me.

Y/N followed his orders and he soon found a path behind a hollow wall. The more he walked down the path the more drawn he felt to the place. His walking soon turned to fast walking which turned to jogging and then full on sprinting.

??? : That's it run to me. Let nothing deter you.

His sprint began to slow down as he saw he was coming up upon a door. On the door was carved the message.

"Turn back or the hunter shall face the hunt, shit that's the wrong message. To enter this room destroy the guardian, however the task will not be easy"

Beside the door was was was a suit of armor that stood guard. Y/N not taking any chances threw a rock at the suit seeing if it would react. Sure enough the suit was then flooded with mana giving it it life. It stood up and drew its blade, Y/N did the same.

Armor : Face your death with pride.

Y/N : The come kill me tin can!

The two launched at each other and a shockwave resulted from the clash. The blades were locked in place as neither got an advantage on the other. They broke away from each other and flew back in. They flew around the area clashing swords which clanged throughout the area.

Wrath of the Dragon  (Arifuerta: From Weakest to Worlds Strongest X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now