Wiping his tears, Junghwan nodded his head and patted his hyung's head.

"Where is Yuna? Did she make it out with us?" Jeongwoo questioned, looking around the ward. "Don't tell me..."

"Unfortunately, she had no choice but to accept Jaehyuk's offer to marry him or he would've had all of us dead already." Explained Mashiho, shaking his head dejectedly.

Shocked by this, Jeongwoo's eyes widened as he tried to get up once again.

"WHAT— So you're just letting her get married to the man who took everything away from her?! What kind of sick game is this?" He asked, bewildered.

Jihoon took his brother's hand and tried to calm him down. "We know, Jeongwoo. We're just... unsure of what to do. We could all lose our lives while trying to get her out of there. Asahi is powerful, and he's one of Jaehyuk's now, it's too risky."

There was an air of disappointment as the room filled with silence. Danny and Kyle suddenly entered the ward, bursting the door open. Everyone's heads turned, curious to hear what they had to say.


Yuna stood nervously outside the wedding hall, originally one of the building's auditoriums. Why isn't any of the guys here yet? Are they really not going to save me this time? She couldn't blame them anyway. Maybe it was really time for her to let go and give up the rest of her life with Jaehyuk.

"I'm about to get married to the man who killed my father, my cousin, my boyfriend and his very own parents. That's totally not messed up." She mumbled to herself sarcastically as she held a bouquet of flowers given to her by another staff of Jaehyuk's. "I'm sure there's a way out of here?"

Surveying around the area, she realized that there was not a single exit where there wasn't a staff or humanoid staff guarding. This entire place was very tight with security, making it impossible for her to make any escape.

"There's the bride." Yuna heard Jaehyuk comment as he walked towards her. "How are you feeling?"

Yuna glared at him and did not answer his question.

"You don't want to talk to me, I get it. It's alright, anyway. I just came by to remind you that the wedding will be starting soon so prepare yourself." He said before taking his leave.

"Wait!" Yuna shouted. "Did you invite any guests?"

Jaehyuk raised an eyebrow. "No, why? If you didn't recall, I never had any friends growing up, and I don't keep in contact with my family."

For a heartbeat Yuna felt genuinely sorry for Jaehyuk when she realized that he himself had a lonely childhood without any friends or his family by his side since he moved to Osaka.

"Understood." She looked into his eyes, but couldn't detect any sadness.

"However, there will be someone there to officiate our wedding though." Jaehyuk turned his head a little and nodded to a staff standing at the side.

Yuna felt her blood boil when she realized who it was. No... He wouldn't do this to me...

"Asahi will be officiating it." Jaehyuk announced.

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