"Bullseye." Haruto said.


Jaehyuk was waiting in his office. He was watching the security cameras with his computer. Noa busted the door open and rushed inside, panting.

"Boss! There are a group of spies intruding into the building." He notified Jaehyuk, who didn't look a tad bit alarmed.

"I know, I can see everything." Jaehyuk told him, surprising Noa. "Those pesky little insects really can't leave me alone. Nevertheless, they have no idea what they're up against."

Noa gavea sly smile, and with that he left the office and shut the door. Jaehyuk turned his attention back to the screen, as he watched intently for the agents to find their way to their doom.


"... Shotaro is making his way up to the Jaehyuk's main office." Haruto told them, looking at his phone.

"Amazing how you can track him down so easily." Jeongwoo complimented, while Haruto continued to watch the agent's movements.

Yuna and Doyoung were outside, pacing around the area. The cousins haven't had a long conversation to themselves in a while.

"Doyoung, I hope you can forgive me for dragging Junkyu into this. He really didn't deserve to die." She told him guiltily.

"No, please, it's not your fault. It's difficult to accept that my brother is gone now but, I just hope that no one gets hurt by Jaehyuk ever again." He reassured her with a weak smile.

"Don't you ever get curious about how Arthur was like? I know, it's rude of me to ask because your memories of him are gone but, have you ever thought of Arthur before?" Doyoung asked.

"I have gotten random flashbacks of Arthur before the accident, but I don't know... I feel like I don't want to remember him. Maybe it's because of my past, all those painful memories that I refuse to think about. It's weird, because the only one I love now is Asahi." Yuna said, feeling ashamed of herself for loving a humanoid. "Anyone can judge me for this but, I don't see Asahi as a robot but as a person, a lovable and caring person who will do anything to protect me."

Doyoung nodded his head and patted Yuna's shoulder. The two of them had more in common now. He was glad that he finally able to spend time with his cousin, his family, since he never got to after Aunt Hyorin's death and the families drifted apart.

"You guys, get back here!" Jeongwoo called from the van. "We've got a problem."

The cousins exchanged an alarmed glance with each other before rushing back to join the rest.

"Jaehyuk has Shotaro, he must've fallen into one of the traps or something." Mashiho explained frantically while typing on a laptop. "Let me try hacking into their security system and see if I can slow Jaehyuk down..."

"We should get going." Haruto urged his teammate, whose eyes were fixated on the screen.

"But I need to—"

"I can do it!" Junghwan offered, moving towards Mashiho's side. "I'm pretty good with computers, thanks to video games. Just tell me what I need to do."

Mashiho looked hesitant, but they were running out of time. He hurriedly explained the different sets of codes that Junghwan needed to know to ensure that the rest of them could enter the building safely. Junghwan learnt quickly, and with that, the rest of them started to leave.

"Are you sure you'll be okay back here?" Jeongwoo asked his friend in concern.

"Don't worry about me. Just be safe, okay, all of you?" Junghwan pleaded to them.

"We will." Yuna reassured the teenager before they left the place.


Shotaro looked around the transparent cage, banging on it with his balled fists.

"Let me out of here!" He bellowed.

Jaehyuk glared at the agent.

"You can try, but this material has polycarbonate glazing, with scratch-resistant coating. Polycarbonate is approximately 250 times stronger than glass in terms of impact resistance. So unless you're a superhuman, there is absolutely no chance of you getting out. And neither are your fellow agents."

Shotaro turned to see the other three spies trapped inside their own cages as well, unable to get out.

"You're not going to get away with this, Mr Yoon!" Shotaro warned him, but Jaehyuk didn't look intimidated.

"And who's going to stop me?"


Jaehyuk whirled his head around and in front him were Jihoon, Yoshi, Mashiho, Yuna, Doyoung, Haruto and Jeongwoo standing at the door.

"You're going down, Jaehyuk. Just give up already!" Jihoon yelled.

"You don't know me, Jihoon. I don't give up so easily, not until I get what I want." Jaehyuk turned to Yuna, who looked furious. "Oh, I almost forgot!We're missing someone."

Noa nodded his head at Jaehyuk from a distance before pressing a button on the remote controller he held in his hand.

The back door suddenly opened. Yuna felt relief and worry in her heart when she saw Asahi emerge from the door. The humanoid had a different look on his face, one that Yuna wasn't familiar with.

"I'm going to kill all of you." Asahi growled, fishing out two knives from his pocket.

Appalled, the group stared at one another. Jaehyuk had already rebooted his memories!

"After examining Asahi in detail, I've realized something. Yuna, your father was really an incredible man. Akira programmed Asahi such that he has a folder for every different personality, and only one folder could be activated at a time. That is how I got Junkyu to act, on one hand, a quiet and mysterious person to a deranged murderer. I've erased Asahi's sweet and lovable personality, your lover is gone forever now, Yuna!"

Doyoung breathed heavily at the thought of Junkyu once again. Yuna held his hand tightly to support him.

"Asahi, no... I trust him. I know somewhere deep inside, there is goodness in him!" Yuna cried.

"We're giving you a chance to stop this once and for all, Jaehyuk!" Mashiho shouted. "Please, this is madness!"

"Oh, I know I'm mad, I'm delusional. Asahi, destroy them. Don't stop..." Jaehyuk fixed his gaze on Yuna now. "...until I get the girl."

To Be Continued...

omg the trsr lightstick is adorable but the plastic cover thingy is a little... disappointing. just my opinion but i did think it was really innovative that you can put stuff inside it like AAAAA anyway, now that they've released the lightstick, I SMELL A COMEBACK 🤡✌️

also, if y'all notice how the writing is becoming very shitty and repetitive, it's because i start messing up at the last few chapters oops.

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