Meeting the boy...

Start from the beginning

You stop looking at yourself and do what you have to do. Once you get out lily was waiting for you. She goes up to you and dust off you clothes and ties the tie. Then she leaves to go get your black mask.

She hand you it and you went your mirror. And look at your face. Your face looked like you slit your mouth to your ear but stop halfway then stitch it up. You see your parents when you turned 5 they took you to the doctor and had them stitch your mouth up so it can look like a regular mouth but you still have the slit.

It was hard to not open it where it reveals your real mouth. So you rarely talk. If you're any to eat you don't take big bites you take little bits so you don't rip your mouth open. And no one really knows about you. Even
Since you were born your parents didn't want anyone to know you were born.

They payed the hospital to keep quiet about your brith. And never really let you out, they let you go in the garden or the yard, field. But you wanted to meet people. But people thought of you as a monster because your mouth and eyes.

Your parents made sure you stayed in the L/n mansion land. And if you wanted to go out you have to have at least one or two bodyguards with you and you have to have a mask to cover your face.

You put on your mask and walk out of your room. You see your personal body ground or butler waiting for you down stairs. Which was your only friend. Miles, he's didn't see you as a monster he saw you as a kid and a person. He's the one who tell your parents that you need to get out of the house. Well, miles is the loyal and head butler and servant in the L/n family.

"Miss. L/n you look beautiful as always. Your parents are waiting for you in the dining room. Where there is breakfast waiting for you as well." Miles said.

"Thank you. And you don't have to be all formal with me. My parents aren't even In the room." I said.

"Oh thank god. I didn't want to speak like that This early in the morning. But you have to go. You know how they are with waiting." Miles said and you walk to the dining room
With Miles following right behind you.

You open the door and walk in. You sit in your seat which was in between your parents. They both look at each other while the Maids got you your food. One of the maids gave you your food which you said thank you. You took down your mask and ate little bites so you don't your mouth any wider.

"Y/n, I have news for you." My mother said. You look at her and waited for the next word she said.

"So you turn 16. And me and your father think it's time to looked for a husband." Your mother said and you choke on your food.

"What?!" You said.

"Tomorrow evening the Winchester family is going to come over and their son is the some age as you and you are going to marry him." Your mother said.

"Mother, I can't marry a person this young and to a person I don't know. And does he know about my mouth?!" I said.

"Not yet but your beauty is still great if you have you mask on. And yes you'll be marry to this boy. So we can pass the blood line down." Mother said.

"I don't need a man to take over the L/n family business. I run it myself I can run father's company. And This boy only want to marry me because he wants his dick wet and the money!!" You yelled.

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