A monster

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"Okay breath, 1, 2, 3. That's it."

"Can you like hurry up. The pain is getting w-worst."

"I wish I could miss l/n but traffic is in the way."

"Just please, hurry up, Alex I want you to know that after this I'm never having a another baby." Luna said.

"I know darling. I know." Alex said.

"Can you go any faster?" Alex said to the driver.

"I'm sorry mr. L/n but traffic is—"

"You know what fuck it. My wife is in labor and In pain. If you wanna keep your job I suggest that you get us to the hospital days as possible." Alex said.

"Right away sir." The driver said and push on the gas. Going pass cars to get to the hospital.

"Just hand on dear. We are almost there." Alex said holding his wife's hand.

The driver drove the L/n family down to hospital. Running red lights, passing cars, going faster then the speed limit, just to get his mistress to the hospital. Once the drive stop at the hospital Alex jump and went to help Luna.

"Miles go get a nurse or someone to help us." Alex said to the driver.

The driver nod his head and ran Inside the building to get help. Alex try's to help Luna to the door. Soon miles the driver comes back with a nurse and two doctors.

"Mr.L/n so glad to see you. Put miss.L/n on the bed." The doctor said.

"Right." They put Miss. L/n on a stretcher and wheeled her to a room to have a the baby. Once they got into the room the doctor and nurses move around doing there own things for birthing the baby. While Mr. L/n was holding his wife's hand and saying sweet things to her.

"Okay miss. L/n, we have all of things ready to have the baby. And your body is ready as well. It's at a 10 inches. So we are good to go. So what I want you to do is push." The nurse said. And Luna did what she said.

After minutes of pushing and pain. A baby girl was born. But something was off about it. The baby didn't cry, when the nurse held the baby.

"It's a girl."

"Doctor, come look at this." The nurse said.

"What in the world. How did this happen?" The doctor said.

"I don't know. It's says she's fine and nothings wrong with her. But we don't know what happened. We have to do so test on her." Nurse said.

"What's going on? What's wrong with our daughter?!" Alex said getting up.

"Sir, please we have under control. Just calm down and sit back down." The doctor said.

"No, I want to see my daughter!" Alex said and went over to them.

"Sir, please."

"Just show me my daughter." Alex said. Pushing pass the doctor and goes to the nurse carry his child.

Once he got there he was stunned. He couldn't say anything. His daughter had snake like eyes that were yellow but also turning back in to the baby's original eye color. But that wasn't what the doctor and nurse were talking about. It's was her...


Her mouth was like cut on the sides so you can see her teeth which was impossible. New borns weren't supposed to have teeth already. Her face was fine is was just her mouth that was shocking to the adults.

How did this happen?

We don't know. But today is when we take off of the story of Y/n L/n. The monster as people call her.

But one person didn't call her a monster or was scared of her. And that boy was the same boy who is trying to stop the apocalypse.....

Okay you might be thinking oh Y/n is born in October on the first. But no she is not. Okay? Okay. I can't wait to make more of these. And also Y/n's "powers" is inspired by the mortal Kombat character Mileena. Anyways bye. I'll try and update again today. :]

Words: 692


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