Chapter 15 - Harry

Start from the beginning


Harry's eyes go wide once he realises how long it has been since they've actually talked. He has missed her last couple facetime calls which he meant to return but... Harry has been a bit preoccupied with a certain someone. He texts with Gemma but they're always super spaced out and it never feels like a true conversation.

"Hey." Harry says once he picks up and her face fills the phone screen.

"Harry!" She immediately lights up once she realises Harry actually picked up for once. "Finally! I've been trying to get a hold of you for ages!"

"I know," Harry chuckles. "I'm sorry, I've uhh- well I've been a bit busy lately."

"Really?" Gemma gives Harry a knowing look. "And why is that?"

Harry smiles shyly and tries to hide the blush that he's sure is tinting his cheeks. He's never been able to hide anything from Gemma. She was a huge support in helping him feel comfortable with coming out to everyone, she had just always known; Harry never even had to utter a word about his sexuality to her. It's like she knew before he did.

"Well... 5SOS has been doing really well lately. Did I tell you that we got a regular gig at De Bees?!"

"Really?! Wow Haz, that's amazing! I can't believe my baby brother's little band is playing at the big boy venues..."

"I know right?!" Harry replies half-sarcastically, half-in total agreement. "It's crazy, I feel like it is one of the most popular music venues in Cheshire and we have the best time slot! We did, like, a test show last Friday and the owner said we brought in one of the biggest crowds he's seen there in a long time..."

"Damn, I'm actually quite impressed."

Harry laughs at the blatant shock on Gemma's face. "Thanks Gem. Our first show is on Halloween so I'm super excited. Everyone is going to dress up and go all-out and everything."

"Oooh! You should be a devil!"

"A devil?! Why do you say that?"

"I dunno, I feel like it fits the whole rocker vibe. Kinda sexy but still bad?"

Harry laughs, "Okay, I'll think about that one."

"So what else? I know that's not the only thing that's got you all smiley, could it be a new boy?" Gemma digs.

"Can't hide anything from you, can I?"

Gemma laughs, "No, you definitely cannot." They both grin at each other. "Now spill."

"Hmm, well he's not officially out yet so I can't tell you who it is but I'll admit that you already know him and you like him."

"Well I don't love that he's forcing you to hide this part of yourself from everyone again," Gemma says pointedly, "but I do like that I already approve. Ugh! Now I wanna know who it is even more..."

Harry laughs at her scrunched up nose. "I'll have to ask him. He told me he wants to come out soon so maybe this is a good first step. One of his best mates already knows too."

"Oh that's good!"

"Yeah..." There's an awkward pause as Harry waits for Gemma to bring up the inevitable.

"So... has anything changed between them since I've been away?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to be optimistic I guess."

"Well try being realistic. It's gotten to the point where they're too tired to even fight anymore. I think they've finally given up."

"I'm sorry you have to go through that alone Haz. It shouldn't have to be all on you."

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