"Oh...My...God!!!! Ha Ni the whore? Is that you? It is isn't it? Better watch yourself around her, there's no telling what kind of diseases a whore like her carries." Bora sneered at Ha Ni, earning a whimper from her friend.

"Wow, so you're the manipulative bitch that made Ha Ni's life hell.  But, then why didn't you tell me Jin was your ex?" She asked Ha Ni.

"He's not." The girl whispered

"But I thought you said he and Bora were still together?" Raina quietly asked getting an even quieter "they are."

Raina whipped around to look Bora straight in the eyes as she understood the fucked up situation she was now in. Her expression hardened and then a smirk made its way to her face.

"So what you're basically saying is that Bora called you all kinds of names and made your life hell because her fiancee lied to you and cheated on her; yet she's doing the same damn thing as your ex with Jin?" Raina loudly asked, just shy of yelling so that everyone close by would be able to hear her.

"That is none of your business." Bora narrowed her eyes at Raina in anger.

"Both Jin and Ha Ni are my friends, so that makes it my business. Especially since you got so pissy with me and Jin when you accused him of having sex with me, but you're the one using HIM and cheating on him with your fiancee." Raina continued in an extremely loud voice.

"Shut up! If you keeping yelling that-"

"What Bora? I might hear it?" Jin asked from behind her, causing her to spin around to find Jin and his friends, along with half the art program's students standing there listening to their entire exchange.

Bora's eyes flew wide at the sight. "She's lying! She just wants to break us up so she can have sex with you!"

"Psht, whatever! I don't need to lie and break you guys up to have sex with Jin.  I did that before I even knew he had a girlfriend." Raina smirked at the look of outrage on the other girl's face.

She spun on Jin to attack him, but he cut her off.

"Actually Raina, that's what I've been trying to talk to you about.  Bora and I had gone on a break during summer vacation at her insistence, so I was still technically single when we had sex since Bora didn't arrive back on campus til the next morning.  But now I know why she was so insistent on the break and on me not contacting her during that time." Jin cut in, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest as he glared down at his soon to be ex-girlfriend.

"I guess it goes without saying, but we are done. Oh, and there is no switching tents, so you need to take your whoring ass back over to that pathetic excuse of a tent you tried to put up before coming over here." Jin may have sounded emotionless and cold, but Raina could see the pain he was hiding in his eyes and wished he hadn't found out that way.

She hadn't taken his feelings into account when she outed Bora, she just wanted to put the girl in her place and help her friend.

So when Bora ran off with her little friend in tow, she walked up and placed her hand on the handsome man's arm.

"I'm so sorry Jin. I should have given you a chance to explain and you didn't deserve to learn about her that way." She lowered her eyes, fearing his reaction.

But he grabbed her chin in his thumb and forefinger and lifted her face so he could look her in the eyes.

"I'm hurt and disappointed by Bora's actions, but I deserved to know the truth. So thank you.  Why don't we talk more later, when there are less people listening in?" He winked at her and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before walking off with his friends, telling the other students to go back to what they were doing.

"Girl, if you don't tap that ass at least once more, I'll kick your ass." Hwasa spoke into her ear earning a jump and squeak from her.

Raina burst out laughing with her friends when she realized who had snuck up behind her.  As their laughter died down, she looked over to where the boys were standing and caught someone else's eyes.

Someone she had dreamt of and loved for years.

But there's no way he could be the same person.

It had to just be a coincidence, right?

She broke eye contact first and missed the confident smirk that broke out on his face. 

He had made up his mind.  He was going to find out if she really was his Raina, and he had a plan for how to do it.

He just hoped it wouldn't backfire.

Thank you to everyone who is reading my story. I will try to update more often, but I smashed the crap out of my thumb a while back and have finally lost the nail, so typing is a little difficult right now. 

Please remember to vote, comment, and share.


Dream A Little Dream (21+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz