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Gabriel was now sitting in a chair, watching as Eden drank her tea with the help of Aziraphale. Gabriel sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of a hand. It had taken a few minutes to calm Gabriel down before he finally agreed to sit in the chair that Crowley had been sitting in earlier.

"Bleh..." Eden said, grimacing at the bitterness of the herbal mixture in the tea.

"Here Queenie." Crowley said softly, scooping a spoonful of ice cream for Eden to eat.

"How many scoops?" Eden asked, sounding a bit hopeful.

"Same as always. One." Crowley replied, feeling a twinge of sadness at Eden's disappointed gaze. "We can't risk you eating too much, not until Bella gives the okay." According to Bella, when Eden had been stabbed, the blade had punctured her stomach and she was put on a very strict diet of very light foods which consisted of herbal broths and herbal teas, with vanilla ice cream being a special treat to wash away the bitter tang of the herbs.

"I know Daddy..." Eden murmured as she ate her first bite.

"Would you like some water Little One?" Aziraphale asked once Eden finished her ice cream. It was crucial for Eden to stay hydrated.

"Yes please." Eden rasped as Crowley brushed a stray dark red curl out of her face.

"Sweetpea, you need to try to get some rest." Aziraphale said gently. The herbs in her tea would not only help with pain but they would also make her drowsy.

"I know Papa, but I wanna talk to Gabriel for a bit before I get too tired."

"Queenie..." Crowley began but he was quickly ushered out of the room by his husband, who said, "We'll give you two a few minutes to yourselves. We'll be in the hallway....."

"Angel, wot the fuc-" Crowley started to say, getting cut off as Aziraphale hauled him out of Eden's bedroom and into the hallway. 

Bad Omens: The Aftermath (Novella)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu