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If humans are what spread the corruption, then I'd rather die. I am mad at many humans for spreading corruption, but I am most angry with myself.

Waking up in my Avatar body to see Tsu'tey standing over my hammock is a strange experience, especially since I didn't expect it. He moves out of the way as I sit up and carefully lift myself out of my resting place. He then leads me to a clearing where direhorses are drinking nectar from flowers. He instructs me to get on a rather large one, male from my guess.

"This is Moor'eh. He has a temper, but you should be able to handle it," Tsu'tey explains. I nod softly before I press my hand against Moor'eh's shoulder. Using that as a connection to assist me, I get onto Moor'eh's back.

"This reminds me of back on Earth... horse riding was peaceful. I'm assuming this has the same concept, except with more Na'vi twists to it," I smile as I speak, genuinely liking the memories brought to my mind. He scowls at me for a moment before handing me a queue connected to  Moor'eh's antennae. I carefully bring my braid close to the queue, feeling the small tendrils within connect to the ones in the antennae of Moor'eh. I feel my eyes dilate for a moment as a rush of information floods my mind. "Yup, definitely more Na'vi to it."

"That is Tsaheylu. The bond," Tsu'tey goes on to continue explaining, but I interrupt him by getting Moor'eh to move forward, slowly. I use my legs to keep me steady, letting go of the antennae and trusting my natural sense of balance. "Looks like you've already got the hang of it. Follow me," he speaks as a few other young men appear on direhorses and he gets on one himself. I place myself at the end until he calls me to the front. I keep in pace with him, just behind him. We reach a clearing to see Jake also learning to ride a direhorse, yet not having as much success as I am. I start laughing, wheezing with a deep rasp. Tsu'tey grins beside me.

"Jake, you are an idiot who learns extremely slowly," I make sure that Jake cannot understand what I said. "This is what happens when they get someone who speaks a language other than English and Spanish. Secret messages that no one will know the meaning because no matter how hard you try, you can't repeat what I said because this thing called an accent exists."

"What did you even say?" Jake asks me. I stick my tongue out at him, not answering his question. "Come on, Nike. Tell me."

"Just reminding myself to not teach you my first language," I grin at him. He attempts to tackle me off of Moor'eh, but I cling to the side as I am pushed over, managing to not fall off as I hear a thud on the other side of Moor'eh. I pull myself back into the proper position on the direhorse, looking down to see Jake once again laying in mud. "Still not saying it," I get Moor'eh to move away from Jake carefully. Neytiri gets Tsu'tey's direhorse to start moving, and I follow with the other hunters. I keep my eyes on Tsu'tey most of the time, yet keep my ears out for any sounds to alert me of danger.

Despite how he looks, Tsu'tey does have some form of concern for me. I don't give him many opportunities to show it, since I have some understanding of archery from back on Earth, and I listen to his instructions.

The next few days begin the same, with me waking up early in my human body, eating breakfast, and then going into my Avatar body to see Tsu'tey standing over me. The only difference to how they end is when I take a shower before I go to bed.

So when Grace tells me to pack my things, I don't question her. I'm far enough ahead in my training that I do have the ability to take longer to get into my avatar. Jake, however, doesn't. This is proven when he gets a scolding from Neytiri while Tsu'tey and I give each other high fives. Strangely, we got very close during the time he is teaching me. I can safely say the two of us are friends now, as much as he hates to show it.

-----------------------------Author's Announcement-----------------------------
I will not be focusing on this story, and am in the process of making a story that is related to this story, but Nike is not the main character. Instead, Nike's twin will be the main character. I just have an issue with writing in first person now, so I have lost motivation to focus on this story. It is not discontinued, only moved to the side as my writing interest has shifted back onto Avatar.

I've seen people asking for this to update. I appreciate those comments, as they remind me that this story exists and people are willing to read this story even though it hasn't been updated in months and only has two parts. I thank the ones who have commented saying they like the story or asking me to update this, and I also apologize for not updating this.

From now on, any part in this story will be dedicated to the ones who asked for this story to keep going, or just like the story's existence in general. While this will never make up for not updating, it will also give me a reason to update. However, please don't spam asking for updates.  While I appreciate it, I also don't want my comments  filled with it. Also taking votes as someone saying they'd like the story to continue/like the story.

Please enjoy any further updates  and possibly the other story that I am working on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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