Day 1 - Crane 📒

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Sizziling pancakes🥞 as well as the cozy aroma and heat envelope the cozy apartment Y/N lived in along with her parents and two siblings. They were all at the table while Y/N's mom worked at the stove in the snug kitchen. The pancakes steam could be seen rising from the fluffy and voluminous structure as they were being served with the thick syrup on top. Plates on forks could be heard as well as the chattering gibberish of her younger brother and boring conversation of her older sister.

S/N! (sisters name)

What?- S/N replied in an annoyed tone.

My butt's tense... I'm too nervous to go to school... Y/N pressed her legs together and shivered.

S/N started laughing at me. WTH!
La Escuchastes ama?
Did you hear her mom?

Y/N whines but laughs

It's ok N/N (nickname) it happens to the best of us S/N says in a awed but sarcastic tone.

I hate you Y/N screams in a playful manner.

But in all seriousness it's going to be good I made it through and I have less social experience than you so it's pretty safe to say you will be fine S/N says. She slowly starts snickering I can't say the same for you brain though she starts laughing.

I don't care at least I'm not like other girls Y/N says hotly.

See you'll be fine dumb butt.



I quietly made my way to class at this point. Since I took off the first few days of school because I was sick with the flu, I had to make a quick visit to the office to make some quick arrangements and stuff bori g to be honest but necessary I almost forgot to do so since Im very forgetful and irrisponsible. I won't admit it though because it's not my fault my mother made me this way!

As I opened the door to my class it was huge btw i almost couldn't move it how could I? My sister is always calling me short and weak like a stick. Tbh I really am built like a stick very skinny, thin,flat and short 4"11 ft. to be exact. Eventually someone opened the door. I tried to thank them but I didn't see anyone...

As I entered deeper inside the room I could make out a couple of students sitting while one boy was sitting on his desk, others were making small talk, and another boy was setting his feet on top of the desk like he owned the place. He had untamable hair that stuck out all over like an explosion and it was dirty blonde. Hehe I thought, pomeranian energy.

It wasn't my place to judge what he could do or was it my problem. From the distance I heard a boy say, Tokoyami, Bakugou I told you two to not seat yourselves like that it is utterly disrespectful of you to do! I geuss I didn't have to even tell them anything someone else did it, I thought. So I sat down on the one available seat there was most seats already being compromised.

Bell Rings

Aizawa rises from behind the desk in his famous yellow worm cosplay.

He opens his mouth to say something Y/N hopes its something inspirational and motivating something that will help you in your hero journey!!!! But then-

Free Period murmurs Aizawa.

He didn't get that much sleep for some unispecified reason so they let him sleep just this once.

-What did you expect of Mr. Aizawa?

As he said this he also said, you can go outside to do whatever you want just don't make a mess or explode anything, break limbs, ect, ect. As he said this he looked to Bakugou first then to Midoryia. Bakugou got a bit ticked of while Midoriya jumped a bit and let out a weak -eek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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