Chapter 7.

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You opened your eyes peering through the slits to see the gray clouds above floating through the window. You looked around and then behind you to find a still sleeping Stephen who was holding you in his arms. You blushed, staring at the sleeping cashier that you had spent the night laying with apparently before wondering if you should get up. You didn't want to wake him let alone move as you were in a somewhat awkward position if he were to wake up and see the two of you. As if his unconscious self had read your mind, he woke up, and grumbled.

He looked at you who was still tucked beneath his arms and gave you a small warm smile before speaking.

"Did you get a good night of sleep?" Stephen asked as you nodded your head and smiled back at him. He let you out of his arms and stood up, holding out a hand for you. You took it and looked up at him as he helped you get up. Once done, Stephen resumed his usual spot at the register, slouching over the counter. You stood around for a moment before checking the clock that hung above the counter and panicked internally. When was the last time you had fed your cat? It must've been at least a day since you were locked in the freezer.

You quickly rushed out the door, not even saying goodbye to Stephen and hurried your way home to your house. When you walked in, you looked around frantically for (Cat's Name). You called out their name before they walked in from the kitchen and meowed at you. They seemed fine and looked like they weren't that hungry. Relieved, you walked into the kitchen to get them a bowl of food. As you entered, you realized the bag had been split open and was laying on the floor, cat food spilling out of it.

'That's why you weren't starving.' You thought as you looked down at your cat who gave you a small meow once more. You cleaned it up and then washed your hands, bending down and petting your cat, sorry that you had been gone for so long. Looking out your window, it had began raining and thundering harshly. You couldn't walk back to the store now to at least alert Stephen as to why you ran out like that. From an outsiders perspective, it probably seemed like you were running away from a murderer. You just hoped that Stephen wouldn't worry too much until you had the chance to talk to him again, which hopefully wasn't very long from now.
Stephen still looked at the door you had run out of, confused. He noticed how you had looked at the clock before then panicking and running off so he assumed that maybe you had somewhere to be that you forgot about. It was a little odd to him though, as there wasn't a need to go anywhere. Stephen shrugged and continued to go on with his day as normal, trying not to think about you to assure he wouldn't worry himself.

Player sat across from the table where a gray figure stood.

"The world may be a little broken but nothing should be too out of place. An nothing will really work either- like cash or items. Except maybe that orb in the corner of the store. Bye!" Dummy spoke. Player nodded as he was teleported back to the regular world. It had now become nighttime. 

"That was a long conversation." Player mumbled to himself as he walked down the usual street he took to the get to the convenience store. He entered the door with a thud behind him and walked in to see Stephen staring at him with a sullen face, tired as usual and also worried if you were alright.

"Place an item down to purchase it." He spoke as he closed his eyes and rested for a moment. Player looked around the store and then walked to the back where that orb was. He grabbed it carefully, not knowing what could happen. Player suddenly felt a shift in timelines but thought nothing of it and brought it to the front of the store. Setting it down, Stephen began to talk again.

"Are you sure you want to buy this item? It'll cost you $99999999999. Talk to me again to purchase." Player went ahead and bought the orb before then picking it back up and suddenly seeing the light. When he could see clearly again, Dummy was standing across from him again. Player walked up to the table as Dummy sighed. 

(Get A Snack At 4 AM) Cashier x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now