Part 2

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AN: Italics are Selin's thoughts.

Note: I really wanted Serkan to see Selin's true face, and I thought Pyril was the perfect candidate to remove the mask. Someone Serkan knows and trusts beyond whatever feelings of friendship he might feel for Selin. I deliberately left Eda out of this scene, but I wanted the maximum number of people to bear witness to Selin's games, lies and ultimately, her takedown. This was my way of giving Selin the sendoff she deserved and having it be in front of the entire office at a certain point. 

Please let me know if it was too much or not enough. 

"That you just as easily fall off the pedestal you put yourself on. You see, Selincim. I don't need to tell Serkan anything. You showed him who you are yourself." Pyril shoved her around until she felt Selin stiffen in shock.

Serkan froze in the doorway, looking at his fiance and friend, her words echoing in his mind. What does it mean that she spent weeks grooming him? Lead trickled into his stomach, pooling in a pit of confusion and dread. He couldn't move his eyes from the nail sized welts on his closest friend's alabaster arm. He blinked and still couldn't believe what he just witnessed. He felt his world spin out of his control. The ground shifted beneath his feet.

Selin turned towards Serkan, face pale, shaking hands, wondering how much he saw, how much he heard. She sped to his side and caressed his arm, while noticing the stiffness in his posture. How much damage control do I need to do? I will not let this thing with Pyril derail all my progress. I won't lose him, no matter what. Nothing and no one will stand in my way. I deserve Serkan.

Serkan narrowed his eyes and waited to see what Selin would do. He barely touched the hand on his arm before flinging it off his suit jacket. He adjusted the fit and turned to Selin.

"I cannot believe what I just saw. I don't understand. Who are you, Selin?" Serkan's voice hardened, and chilled in the air.

"I'm your fiance Serkan. I shouldn't have to defend myself with you. We have been in each other's lives for way too long for you to doubt me. I won't put up with it." Selin said, lips pursed and arms crossed.

Stil-faced Serkan glanced askance and lifted one sardonic eyebrow, aware of her deflection.

Stop deflecting. So I didn't just see you threaten Pyril. It was nothing more than my vivid imagination conjuring up the welts on Pyril's arm. I don't doubt you, Selin. Remember I know what you are capable of to get your way. It's why you are so good at PR." Serkan said, waiting on Selin's next move. He studied her face, her blond hair expertly coiffed, eyes widening in glee, hearing that there was no doubt.

"I knew you loved me, you need me, Serkan. I was the one taking care of you for months."

"No, you misunderstood. I don't doubt you, Selin because I know what I saw. I am seeing who you are truly. Look at Pyril's arm. Look at it!" Serkan said, stepping closer to Selin. She jumped at the volume of his sharp words.

"What happened between Pyril and I is none of your business. It has nothing to do with you. It just was a misunderstanding that got out of hand," Selin said, shrugging her shoulders while inching closer to Serkan. He heard Pyril scoff, and he couldn't blame her. A misunderstanding doesn't cause threats.

"So you didn't threaten Pyril. You didn't say that you won't be responsible for what you will do, if Pyril keeps interfering." Serkan said, ice running through his veins, travelling to his eyes. Frosty eyes. Cold eyes. Unfeeling eyes.

"I knew we should have stayed in Slovenia. You would be on the mend right now. Being in Istanbul and ArtLife has done nothing but overwhelmed you. Your head is confused." Selin said. Her eyes didn't leave Serkan's face, practically willing him to believe her and let her lead him away from the scene. If only she kept her temper in check.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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