"Y/N?" A soft voice spoke from behind you. You whipped around in surprise and felt the wind knocked out of you. There was Ginny Weasley, much older as you were now and beautiful as ever. "I can't believe it's you!" A smile broke out on her face and she dropped the broomstick in her hand carelessly as it loudly dropped to the floor. Moving forward, she wrapped you in a tight hug before pulling back, still holding onto your arms. "What are you doing here?" She said excitedly as she took her hands from their place on your arms and you swallowed trying your best to ignore the way you missed her touching you.

"Oh," You said softly in realization. You jerked your head in the direction in the kitchen vaguely. "I - uh - brought a cake for your mom." You cursed yourself for your awkwardness but the lopsided smile on Ginny's face lessened the red hue on your cheeks.

"A cake?" She giggled and you swore her giggle could be the works of a symphony as the noise sounded like blissful music to your ears. "Five years and across the world is a long way for a cake." She joked.

A beat of silence past before you elaborated. "My family moved back." You explained. "Dad got another job he couldn't pass up on so what do you know - I'm right back where I started I suppose." You couldn't help the scoff that slipped through your lips after days of pent up frustration.

Ginny looked at you softly and as you caught her gaze your scowl faded away and your features mellowed. "Sorry." You mumbled. "I shouldn't have-"

"Don't apologize." She insisted. "You must miss your friends." She said gently.


I do." You admitted. "But it's good to see you again. I missed you, you know." You looked at her cautiously all too aware of the feeling in your stomach.

"Me too." She smiled as she took a step towards you with the same caution. "I never stopped-" She began before being cut off by Molly Weasley.

"Ginny!" Molly said happily as both of your attention was turned to her. "Good, you're back. Why don't you take Y/N out?"

"Take Y/N out?" Ginny sputtered with wide eyes, her nervousness prevalent.

"Yes, dear." She confirmed confused at her daughter's behavior. "Take her outside. It's much too lovely a day to stay inside." Molly smiled and Ginny's behavior visibly changed as she appeared to be more relaxed.

Without thinking she grabbed your hand just like she used to when you were children and pulled you outside. You tried your best to ignore the sparks shooting to your fingertips as you and Ginny ran through the fields just like you used to. You stopped running once you both reached the pond that you remembered swimming in during the summer.

Ginny plopped down on the ground and you soon followed. You found her already looking at you as she propped herself up with her elbows.

"Remember when we swam here?" She asked smiling at you.

You bit your lip and nodded. "I sure do." You laughed as the memories flooded through your mind. "I had forgotten about that, you know."

A beat of silence passed before she asked you quietly. "You haven't forgotten me, though, have you?" She asked tenderly as she anticipated your answer.

"No, of course not." You chuckled lightheartedly.

Ginny didn't appear to be convinced of your answer. "You didn't?" She asked again even quieter than before. "After all that time, I still crossed your mind from time to time." You nodded gently as your expression turned solemn. "I just figured you might not have remembered me. I wouldn't have been surprised if you had forgotten me-"

"Had you forgotten me?" You cut in quickly as you spoke in a rushed voice. You were too worried if she had thought about you to have a shred of embarrassment. "After all the time we hadn't seen each other."

"Never." She whispered and instinctively inched closer to you little by little. "I could never forget you and seeing you again has made me realize." She trailed off knowing you got the point.

"Me too." You admitted. You knew as soon as you saw Ginny again whatever feeling you held for your childhood friend blossomed to something past friendship after seeing her today, but you needed confirmation. You needed to know if she felt what you felt when she held your hand today. You both inched closer to one another before you were only mere inches apart. "Did you feel it too?" You flicked your gaze down to her lips that stretched into a small grin before looking back up at her eyes.

"Felt what?" She teased brazenly.

You only fondly rolled your eyes as a playful smile formed on your lips. "You know what." You whispered.

"I felt it." She whispered in a tender tone as she leaned forward, merely brushing her lips against your own. She leaned in and softly kissed you. The kiss was anything and everything you would have imagined it to be when you kissed your childhood friend. Her lips left yours too soon and the only solace you found in the absence of her lips was the ability to look into her eyes again.

"A part of me wishes I had never left you, Ginny." You admitted quietly as you gazed up at her with vulnerability shining in your eyes. "To think all the time we could have had - all the memories." You pondered.

"Don't." She simply said in response. "You're here now and that's what matters." She gently brushed your bottom lip with her thumb before cupping your cheek. Slowly she leaned in as you met her lips in a slow kiss so full of love you swore you could hear her heart chant to yours I love you, I love you, I love you. Once she pulled back from the tender kiss, she rubbed her thumb over your cheek as she gazed into your eyes, enchanted by your entire being. "We can make plenty of new memories now." She smiled down at you. This broke a smile across your lips as you were the one to initiate the kiss this time.

Later that day as you strolled into the door of your home the lack of a dramatic slam and your pleasant demeanor was enough for your parents to raise a curious eyebrow at you, which you failed to notice as you nearly floated into your bedroom, you walking as light as air just like the way Ginny made you feel. Hogwarts wouldn't be so bad, you thought, not when Ginny would be there with you.

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