Justice for Brian

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"Just make sure you bring them back safe," Brian called, as the eleventh doctor stepped into the TARDIS after Amy and Rory. He smiled, as he heard the familiar sound of the Doctor leaving the brakes on.

Brian turned the telly off as he heard the doorbell go. He put his empty plate on the coffee table and got up. He bumped the umbrella stand over, Rory's broken umbrella falling to the ground yet again. He opened the blue front door, and saw the Doctor standing there. He was crying.

"I promised you. I am so sorry, Brian, more sorry than you can ever know."

"What are you talking about, Doctor?" The Doctor broke down sobbing.

"Doctor what are you talking about? Where are Amy and Rory? Doctor!?" A tear fell from the corner of his eye. He suspected what had happened, but he couldn't bring himself to believe it.

"I am so sorry, Brian. They're gone. You, nor I, can ever see them again." The Doctor spoke in shakey breaths.

"Come inside, Doc, it's starting to drizzle. Tell me everything, tell me what happened to my son." Brian guided the Doctor inside, shutting the door behind him. He entered the living room, only to see the Doctor staring at Amy's wedding dress, which was on a mannequin in the corner. He sat down on the sofa, with Brian sitting on the opposite chair.

"Weeping angels are horrid things. They look like statues, but they are quantum locked. Whenever you look at them they look like stone. But as soon as you turn your back, as soon as you blink, the move. They are faster and stronger then you could ever imagine, and as soon as they aren't looking they take you. They feed off of time energy - they get this energy by sending people back in time. We went to New York. They were there. The angels, I mean. Rory saw something no one should ever have to see. He saw his own grave. No one saw the angel behind him. It was too late. I never got to say goodbye." The Doctor put his head in his hands and sobbed both his hearts out. Brian stared into the space behind the Doctor. His son was gone. He would never see his only son again.

After what felt like hours of silence, Brian spoke again.

"And Amy?" 

"She stared at the place where Rory stood. She stared at the angel. I knew she couldn't live in a world without him. I knew what her choice was. She told me it'd be fine, that she'd be with him. She told River, Melody, your granddaughter, to look after me. I told her to stop, I told her she couldn't do this. But she had made up her mind. I couldn't stop her. I'm so so so sorry, Brian, from the bottom of my hearts. I couldn't stop her." The Doctor stuffed his head into a cushion, mourning the loss of his companion. 

Brian sat in that armchair for hours, looking at the pictures of his son and daughter in law hung up on the wall. He could hear the Doctor in the kitchen, crying, probably over a bowl of custard. They were out of fish fingers. The doorbell rang, and Brian hauled himself out the armchair to get it.

River stood there, a box of tissues in hand.

"I came to check on the Doctor, he's been hours. How are you doing, grandfather?"



"Come in, the Doc is in the kitchen, crying his eyes out. Understandably."

Days passed, with very little talking and a lot of takeaways. About a week after 'the incident', Brian came to the kitchen to talk to the Doctor - who had his head in a half-empty bowl of custard. River had been sent to the corner shop numerous times for fish fingers, but to no avail. Like Amy, the fish fingers were gone. Brian tapped the Doctor on the shoulder, waking him up with a jump.

"I... I was wondering, if we could go to their grave, if that was possible. I think we all need some closure." Brian asked, unable to cry - he had done that too much already. The Doctor wiped custard off his cheek, nodding. River came in from another failed fish fingers run, shaking her head at the Doc.

"Wanna go on a trip, River?"

"Always, where are we going? Or when?"

"A graveyard in New York. At Brian's request."

The trio stood at Rory and Amy's shared gravestone. River was resting her head on the Doctor's shoulder. Brian was staring at the gravestone, knowing his son lay under his feet. None of them where crying, they had cried far too much in the past few days to cry again now.

"What did she say, Doctor?"


"Amy. She said something you haven't mentioned yet, I know she did. What did she say, before... before the angel took her?"

"I- she-she said 'Raggedy man,


a/n - yes I cried while writing this

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