When it came to it, you were the first one to speak. "Draco?" you whispered tenderly.

He turned his head to look at you as the tips of your noses grazed one another, even the slightest touch sending fire through your skin. "What is it, darling?" he spoke softly.

You drew your eyes away from his before saying quietly but strongly, "We can't keep on doing this."

He pushed himself off of you and looked at you with eyes full of concern. "What do you mean?" he asked frantically, searching your eyes like they held the answer to why you couldn't stay together.

Sadness engulfed your heart and appeared in your eyes. "Draco, you know why. Your family. They'd never allow you to be with someone like me."

He reached over and grabbed your hands. "I don't care about my family–"

"Yes, you do and one of the things I love about you is your loyalty to those you love but you know we can't keep this up. It's too dangerous."

"I don't care. Not being with you would be like not having air to breathe; I couldn't survive, darling."

You smiled with melancholy. "I know, but we can't be together anymore." He opened his mouth to speak again, but you gently put your finger up to his lips before continuing. "We're in the middle of a war Draco and-and you're a pureblood. Draco, you have the dark mark. And I-I'm just a mudblood."

"Don't call yourself that!" He said sternly.

"You used to call people that all the time."

"Not anymore. Not since I've known you. All I know is that I want to be with you, is that too much to ask?" The sadness matched his. He knew the answer to his question, you both did.

"Draco, think about it, what if your aunt found out? She'd torture and kill me for sport. Your parents? They'd wouldn't be able to stand the sight of you for associating yourself with the likes of me. What about you-know-who? He'd kill you and your family if he found out! Don't you understand? I love you too much to stay with you and risk them finding out and hurting you!"

A beat of silence passed before he spoke. "I love you" he said with all sincerity, adoration and desperation in the world. Those three simple words told you exactly what you both knew: that you loved each other completely and endlessly, but you couldn't be together because of a war that placed two people in love on opposite sides. "And I'll do anything to survive this war if it means we can be together again."

In that moment you wished time could stop and you could just stay here with Draco for a lifetime or two, but time was a pesky being who would continue to tick on despite the pleas of desperate souls begging it to stop just for a moment or two to enjoy little while longer.


Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

You weren't sure if it was the war or the fact you weren't with Draco anymore, but the world, or at least, your world seemed to grow darker. Your 7th year was brutal. You couldn't attend Hogwarts because of your blood-status and had to go on the run. You were with Dean Thomas, a Gryffindor in your year, and Ted Tonks, a wizard. Like you, they had to go on the run because of your blood status. Some days weren't as bad as other. You caught fish and talked about your families. But then again, some days were bad and by bad, you mean horrible. It was a day like any other, the three of you have made a routine by now, but what was unusual was being caught by snatchers. Dean escaped, thank merlin but you and Ted were caught. He resisted and was killed you it. You'll never forget that moment of seeing someone cast a killing curse. A second before he was fighting and then there he was, lifeless on the ground.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" One of the snatchers asked you. They asked for your name and you replied not wanting any trouble after seeing someone you've come to know very well being murdered without hesitation. You were already worried fearing what they'd do to you, but when they said they were going to bring you to Malfoy Manor under Bellatrix Lestrange's orders, you felt your blood rush cold.

As you walked through the gates of the manor and through the door, your anxiety turned into fear. Did Bellatrix know? Was she going to kill you? Was she going to hurt Draco?

"CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY?" she screeched at the snatchers that had their hands gripped so firmly on you shoulder you were shaking in pain. Or was it fear?

As you looked up, trembling, you saw Bellatrix hovering over a girl who had blood trickling down her arm. But it wasn't just a girl, it was someone you knew. Hermione. She was in pain. Was this what was going to happen to you?

"AH!" you heard an unpleasant shriek that sent uncomfortable shivers down your spine. "What do we have here? A nice, fresh mudblood? Good!"

Your eyes widen with fear as you were shaking. On instinct you tried to walk backwards as she stepped closer to you, her eyes shining with glee at the expected pain that awaits you.

"Oh my! This one does look rather scared, doesn't she? Now..." she trailed off before spinning around. "Draco! Why don't you get in some practice with this one? Yes?"

For the first time in almost a year you looked in Draco's eyes. Your own eyes pleaded him to both to not let her hurt you and to not let her know about your past relationship. He looked scared and refused to make eye contact with Bellatrix, only shaking his head and swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Well, why not, Draco? Too soft for a bit of good old fashioned torturing, are you?" She pointed her wand accusingly at him. "Very well, I'll do it."

As Bellatrix lifted her wand she and you prepared for the worst pain imaginable you heard Draco shouted "No!"

"No?" Bellatrix scowled. "What do you mean no?"

"I-I" Draco stuttered, unsure of what to say. He had no reason to stop his aunt from torturing a mudblood he supposedly didn't know.

"Oh, I see." Bellatrix said as her scowl turned into devious expression. "Get yourself a little girlfriend at school, did you Draco? And you chose a mudblood of all things? Got your blood dirty? Well, let's show you what happens to people like your itty bitty dirty blooded girlfriend?"

With that you felt a pain so powerful you doubled over instantaneously as you felt a white hot, searing pain shoot through your body. You screamed out in agony begging for it to stop. But Bellatrix was teaching Draco a lesson and your pleading probably egged her on. She hit you with the torturing curse again and again and again. When she finally stopped, your body fell over and you had no strength left. No strength to fight. All was over, you were sure of it. Just as the pain had dulled in the slightest, she straddled you and used a knife to carve into your skin writing the word 'mudblood' with your very own blood. The pain wouldn't stop pulsing and throbbing. You stopped begging as your loud sobs took over your body.

You couldn't see Draco's brokenhearted expression or how he was lunging at his aunt while his father held him back. You didn't even hear him scream "No! I love her! Stop hurting her!" with hot tears pouring down his face at the woman he loved being tortured by his own blood.

"Well," Bellatrix said. "I think you're done, don't you?" You didn't need to see her to know that there was a wicked smile on her gaunt face.

"Avada Kedavra"


Now, I long for yesterday...

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