Chapter 2: Found (Underswap)

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Papyrus's p.o.v
The kid hasn't put down the Napsaton plush I got for her. Sans came back home with Napsaton and saw the kid in the middle of the living room floor coloring on her stomach with the Napsaton plush under her. I left her earmuffs, cape and coat on the couch and she left her lil boots by the couch. She wore a very cute teil blue dress to her knees with ruffle short sleeves and a white ribbon tied around her small waist. She looked up whenever they walked in and I was surprised when she got up and hid behind me when she saw Napsaton. She held onto my pants and hugged the Napsaton plushy as she shyly peeked out from behind me. "Papy, what's wrong with the human?" Sans asked "I took her to Napsaton's show earlier today and she became a fan so..." I said as I looked down at her.

"I'm always happy to have a new fan." Napsaton said with a smile. He then got on his knees and talked to the kid. "What'cha name, broski?" "Alanna." The kid said quietly as she continued to peek out from behind me. After talking to him for a while, the kid got more comfortable around him and let him go off to hang out with Sans. I then looked at the pictures she drew on blank printer paper with crayons. One of them was of Sans and me with her together, one was of Napsaton on stage. The two drawings were pretty typical of a small child but the third drawing made me freez. She covered the paper in black crayon exept for many red eyes. It made me very uneasy. "Hey, kid. What is this?" I asked as I held the drawing. "Oh, that's daddy." She said happily. I was confused as fuck. " 'Daddy' ?" She nodded. She then got another peice of blank printer paper and started to draw on it. What she drew was a tall man in red and black with a hood up and black stuff with many red eyes surrounding him. "This is Daddy." She said with a sweet smile.

Zora's p.o.v
I watched a short skeleton and a robot leave the small house I sensed Alanna in from the roof of a nearby biulding. Rebecca sat beside me. Since Rebecca grew up with me, she was trained like I was so she's no normal human. Alanna must have sensed us since she ran out without her winter gear. Alanna is too young to have control over her her body temperature so she needs winter clothes when it snows. A tall skeleton in a orange hoodie, tacky pants and sneakers followed her outside. "Onii-chan! Becca-nii!" She called as the tall skeleton picked her up so she wasn't in just socks on the snow. Rebecca and I jumped down and were immediately seen by the two. "Onii-chan!~ Becca-nii!~" Alanna chimed and reached out to us. I gently took her from the skeleton and wrapped her up in my jacket. 'nii' means big sister in Japanese.

'-Sama' , '-chan' and '-san' are horrifics used after 'Nii'. '-sama' is a formal horrific, '-chan' is a cute, childish and unformal horrific. And '-san' is a simi formal horrific. The 'O' is added to 'nii' to show respect and '-nii' is added to a name when addressing the person as 'older sister' along with their name. "Found you, you little rascal." I said and booped her lil noise, making Alanna giggle. "Mom and Dad are looking everywhere for you and are quit worried." I said and Alanna had a sad expression. "I'm sorry. " "Becca, please call our parents and tell them I found Alanna." Rebecca nods and took out her cellphone as I walked passed the tall skeleton and into the house.

Papyrus' p.o.v
The two girls turned out to be people Alanna knew. She called the redhead in black and green 'Becca-nii' and called the other girl 'onii-chan'. If I remember correctly from walking in on Dr. Undyne watching anime, the kid just called both teens 'older sister'.  The one who took Alanna from me does look like a older version of Alanna just with sholder length hair, a less cheerful demeanor and a sucker in her mouth. She wore a open baby blue jaket over a plan white shirt, shorts, white ankle socks and baby blue sneakers. She didn't really acknowledge me which did bother me a bit but the kid seemed happy. "Sorry about that." The red head said after she came in and closed the door, her iPhone still in hand. "I'm Rebecca. That's Zora, Alanna's older sister." She added as she offered her hand to me to shake. I shook her hand. "Papyrus." I said and she pocketed her phone. Rebecca told me a few things. Like her being human while Zora and the kid are shinigami. She said a shinigami is a cursed and immortal being with the curse being a demon shadow like creature living in side them. She said that shinigami are the most powerful race and that Zora and the kid are prinsesses of the shinigami race.

Rebecca also told me that Zora isn't social twords strangers and that she (Zora) doesn't care at all about those outside her family but is only hostile if threatened. "Most of the shinigami race is only hostile if threatened so they're pretty harmless." Rebecca said with a smile. I showed her the two drawings the kid did of the one she called 'daddy'. "Can you explain these?" I asked and Rebecca took the drawings and looked at them. "These are both drawings of their father, Uhura. He only has two forms while other shinigami have three. The shadows with eyes is his second form and the form he takes the most." "I see." "You feel uneasy looking at these drawings, don't you?" I nodded. "Uhara has a aura that's so dark, it can be felt in pictures and drawings of him. So I'm not surprised." "...How long have you known Zora?" "Since we were four so ten years."  "Ten years?" "Yep. Oh and Uhura smokes so Alana and Zora are very used to seeing cigarettes and smelling cigarette smoke." She added with a smile. "I see. Thanks." "You're welcome~"

Rebecca's p.o.v
As I talked to Papyrus, I started to feel more and more sympathy for him since he's going to meet Uhura soon. Uhura is very kind and affectionate to his family but to others, he's a heartless being with lots of blood on his hands. Uhara will usually spare children twelve and under but anyone above that is fair game. I say usually since he'll only kill children twelve and under if he's extremely angry, which has happened a few times. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often since Uhara does have a short temper. Then again, there's his wife. The chances of his wife letting him kill anyone under twelve is zero. And for those of you wondering why/how his wife can stop him from killing, the simple answer is that he's scared of his wife's wrath. And yes, the woman is and has always been well aware of her husband's crimes. Why she chose to marry him anyway, I have no idea. I hope Uhara's wife finds us before Uhara does since at least then there will be someone who can tame that man -that thing- if needed. Plus the woman is far nicer and friendlier then her husband. 

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