Bao Gu Orphanage

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EXCLAIMER: I do not own Kung Fu Panda!

Five years earlier

"But please, can't I just go and play with the children just once?"

 Tigress asked a goat called Miss Xiao, the caretaker of the orphanage. "No! If you say one more word, you know what'll happen" She responded sharply. "Bu-" Before Tigress could finish protesting, she was slapped on the cheek. She clutched it, trying to not glare at Miss Xiao, knowing it would make it a whole lot worse. "Do you have anything else to say?" Miss Xiao asked, but Tigress lowered her head. "I thought so," She said coldly.  

"Now get moving!" She ordered. "Yes, Miss Xiao" Tigress muttered. 

When she was in her 'room', she exhaled, relieved. I'm finally by myself.  Tigress thought. She looked around. It was the usual, claw marks on the walls made by her, iron doors to stop her from escaping, a bed that could barely support her weight. The only thing that stopped her room from being a jail cell was that it lacked the metal bars. 

The bell then rang, announcing breakfast. Tigress made it to her feet immediately and opened her iron doors. It was hard, but after a bit of grunting and pushing the door slowly creaked open. 

Wandering towards the breakfast court, Tigress was greeted by all the animals, bunnies, gooses, pigs, ducks and even some of the water buffalos scrambling to get away from her, calling 'Monster! Get away from me, freak!' A terrified-looking bunny shouted at her. She tried not to cry, instead choosing to stare at the floor. Miss Xiao hurriedly urged Tigress to move to her usual seat. A seat in a dark, dusty corner. Even though Tigress wanted to stay, to anger Miss Xiao, she moved begrudgingly.  Like every other day. She gave Tigress plain white rice, like other every day. It was noticeably less than the other children's, and they had vegetables and meat. 

Tigress ate slowly, alone like every other day. 

The bell then rang out, signalling that some of the orphanages might get adopted. But Tigress knew she wouldn't. Even the adults were afraid of her, resulting in no one adopting her. She sat sadly on a bench, watching adults pick up their new adoptive child before leading them away. Like every other day, no adults came to her, only casting her a glance that told her they were afraid. 

Just then, a small goose came waddling up to Tigress. Her ears perked up hopefully. Maybe this was the day where she could at least make a friend. 

"Hi! My name is Bao!" The little boy said cheerfully, staring at Tigress curiously. 

"You're... not afraid?" Tigress asked carefully. Bao looked confused. "Why would I be?" He asked. For the first time, Tigress smiled. "Nevermind." Bao tugged on her hand, leading her to the courtyard. "Come on!" He suddenly touched Tigress on the arm before fleeing. 

"We're playing tag! You're it!" He yelled gleefully. 

"Hey!" Even though Tigress was a bit annoyed, she was happier than ever. She bounded after Bao on all fours, reaching him in a few seconds. When she tagged him, he pouted. "Aw, that's not fair. You're so fast!" 

Tigress only grinned in response. She ran across the courtyard, feeling the happiest in her life. But that only lasted so long. 

Miss Xiao came marching up, pointing an accusing paw at her. "What do you think you're doing?!??!" Miss Xiao said, obviously furious. "Miss Xiao! I and Tigress were pla-" But Miss Xiao interrupted before Bao could finish. "Bao, Tigress is dangerous! You shouldn't be playing with her." She snapped. All the previous joy was now gone, Tigress lowered her head, wishing she could sink into the ground and not come back out. 

"Now come with me, Tigress" Miss Xiao ordered, taking Tigress's hand and practically trying to drag her away to her room again. This time, though Tigress was mad. It made her see red. Wrenching her hand from Miss Xiao's vice-like grip, she stood almost shaking with rage. 

"No! I won't go with you!" Tigress shouted, her voice echoing across the courtyard, making all the other kids look at her. But she didn't care. 

"Yes, you will." Miss Xiao's had a voice of calmness that sounded forced. 

"No." Suddenly, Tigress became really calm, even calmer than Miss Xiao. Her face was angry but now was emotionless. Like stone. But abruptly there was a splat, and Tigress found herself covered in soup. She slowly turned around, looking for the child who threw soup at her. And she found him. A huge water buffalo with some others behind him, all smirking while he held an empty bowl.  

Tigress growled at him, but he just laughed. Meanwhile, the other water buffalos laughed with him. She must have looked silly with some noodles dangling from her clothes and face. 

"What are gonna do, Monster? Run to your mommy? Oh, sorry I forgot your parents abandoned you." He faked looked innocent sympathy. But Tigress grabbed the closes thing to her, which happened to be a spoon and flung it towards him. It hit him on the arm. "Hey! That hurt!" He exclaimed.

But as Tigress was going to throw another spoon, an hoof stopped her. "Tigress! You can't start a fight!" 

Tigress looked at her in disbelief. "He started it!" She pointed at the water buffalo who was rubbing his arm. "But you threw a spoon at Ling, so you're coming with me!" Miss Xiao started dragging Tigress behind her, while Tigress caught Bao's look of sympathy. This time, though she didn't resist. 

Once they were in her room, the iron door slammed shut. 

"You will stay in here for a week, except for lunchtime and clean the mess afterward!" Miss Xiao ordered, looking furious. Tigress opened my mouth retort but closed it again. "Sure. " She replied. Miss Xiao had a looked of satisfaction on her face. She then marched out, slamming the door behind her. Sinking against the wall, Tigress curled up in a ball with her knees against her face. She tried as hard as she could to not burst into tears. But she soon was crying herself to sleep. 

The next morning, she woke up miserable. Pushing open the door, she slowly trudged to the breakfast court. There she was greeted again by scrambling again of all the children. Tigress kept her head down. 

But yet again, a big blue ball was thrown towards her, almost knocked her over. Knowing who it was before looking, Tigress slowly looked up.  Ling was laughing at her again. This time, Tigress was mad. Really mad. She didn't bother hiding her strength or rage. She marched up to Ling, punching him in the shoulder. Ling's eyes widened. He stumbled back. Fortunately for him, one of his friends caught him and made him stand straight. "Watch what you're doing!" He exclaimed. Tigress didn't reply. She just punched him over and over again, rage fueling her. She only stopped when she was out of breath. "Do you have anything to say now?" She panted, only to widen her eyes in horror. 

Ling was on the ground, lifeless eyes open staring at space. Tigress's breath caught. "No, no, no! This can't be happening! You can't be dead!" 

She muttered before seeing the shocked and terrified looks of the other animals in the court. Miss Xiao was the first one to recover. "You-you just killed one of our children!" She shrieked. 

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Tigress stammered. She could feel the blood pounding in her ears. 

"Sorry won't get him back!" Miss Xiao frantically said, pointing at Ling who was lying on the ground, still lifeless. Still feeling guilty, Tigress pushed her way out of the crowd, making a beeline for the door that leads to freedom. But Miss Xiao blocked her way. "You just murdered a poor innocent child! You are not getting away with this." 

"I know and I'm sorry. Please, get out of the way before I hurt you." Tigress pleaded. When Miss Xiao shook her head, Tigress knew she had no choice. She pushed Miss Xiao out of the way before fleeing into the forest.  

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