5; a normal life

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NATE STOOD IN his attic, looking through all of his old writings of adventure and the thrills he used to have. He would gaze at them from time to time, missing the days when it was him, Sully, and Zara looking for lost cities and buried treasure without legal permits. Boxes of his theories of Sir Francis Drake were piled up around the walls, journals and photos of him and his friends shoved inside.

He began reminiscing about everything surrounding him, the feeling of nostalgia flooding his senses as he picked up a smaller statue of the goddess Kali. "I climbed your big brother some years back..." Nate chuckled to himself, picking it up and looking at the small, metal object. It was a reminder of a simpler time - when it was just treasure to him. He quickly placed it back down on the crate it had been sitting on, letting it's arms fall to its sides.

The next trinket that caught his eye was a metal skull, sitting on a metal shelf that he had built a few years ago. "Yeesh." Nate grimaced, picking it up and looking at its dips and design. "This is one of the stranger things that I've collected along the years..." He laughed - but it was more of a short and breathy exhale. Another object to remember for the years, Nathan guessed as he placed it back down.

A coin on another shelf caught his eye, and he fondly recalled the events of him going on the trip to find Sir Francis Drake's coffin and treasure alongside Sully, Elena, and Zara. In fact, he met Elena on that trip. "A Spanish doubloon found in a German U-boat..." Nate smiled as he flipped it between his fingers. "...In the middle of a jungle. Who woulda' thunk'?"

Gazing over a few of his piled boxes, he caught sight of his alleged ancestor's journal, chuckling lightly to himself as he looked over it. That journal had been through too much, and Nate slowly recalled the horror on both his and Zara's face when Gabriel Roman attempted to kill their dear friend. "Sir Francis Drake takes a bullet for Sully." Being able to laugh at that situation years later was a freeing thought.

A picture was tucked in between some of the pages in the Journal, and Nate slipped it out. It was taken of him, Zara, Sully, and Elena shortly after they hauled back Sir Francis Drake's ancient treasure. "Look at us." He fondly spoke, looking at the small message on the back that Elena had written. She had found it in one of her old reporter cameras from back in the day and put it in the journal. Sometimes, he missed her old camera antics.

Another old piece of memorabilia was placed on an old end table, a notebook from his journey to Shambala. "Hmph." He sighed, looking over it. Inside was a photo of him and Tenzin, a man he had met while in China. "I miss ya', pal." He spoke admirably - the man had saved his life, after all. Nate put the photo back in the notebook, tucking it away for another day.

A small test tube sat in one of his bookshelves, filled with little pebbles of the Cintamani Stone - of which he had recovered from Shambhala alongside Elena, Zara, and Chloe Frazer. "So many men killed each other for a piece of this." Nate expressed to himself, looking at the glowing stones and trying not to grimace at the thought of the hundreds of skeletons they found on their way to find it.

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