You grinned. "Well, I'm glad you're here. It wouldn't be the same without you."

"What's the set up?" Harry asked you turning your attention from Ron as Harry looked over your shoulder at all the potions Professor Slughorn set up.

"Lots of different potions it seems." You shrugged. "Not sure what they are, though. Should be interesting."

With that, Slughorn called everyone's attention and began explaining the potions he had out. You thought they were all quite interesting. He went through all his potions with you and your classmates watching with interest. You thought that the Polyjuice Potion seemed the most interesting but you couldn't help notice the other girls in your class eye up the other potion you didn't know what it was.

As he finished explaining the origins of Polyjuice Potion and its difficulty, Professor Slughorn drew the classes attention on the last potion. "And does anyone have an idea what this one is?" He asked smiling.

Hermione's hand shot up at once and if you hadn't been witnessing her hand raising skills for six years, you'd say that her hand was raised impossibly fast. "Amortentia, sir. The world's most powerful love potion. Not that it creates love, but obsession. It's said that it smells like what you love most."

"That is precisely right, Miss Granger!" Slughorn beamed at her clearly impressed. "Now, I'm going to have each of you smell it and write down what you smell." All the other girls in class looked ecstatic at smelling what they loved the most but you weren't. You were nervous. What if you smelled Ron? Would he smell you? Not that it matters really, it's not like Slughorn will make you announce to the class that you smell something that is so uniquely Ron.

You walked up and took a small sniff. First, you smelled broom polish. Then, you got a wave of something sugary sweet that smelled of vanilla. After that, you got the smallest whiff of mint. You felt your face grow hot instantly. It was so obvious who you smelt. It was all so uniquely Ron. The broom polish is from Quidditch, vanilla is from his favorite cereal he always has for breakfast, and the mint was from his shampoo that always flowed through your senses when you were near him, especially when you had potions first thing last year.

You scribbled down quickly the three things you smelt and hoped that Slughorn wasn't going to make you announced to the class. Unfortunately, it appeared that you were out of luck today.

"Miss Y/L/N, would you like to tell us what you smelled in Amortentia?" Professor Slughorn asked clearly not reading the room as Pansy Parkinson looked desperate to tell everyone what she smelled.

You nodded and forced a smile, not trusting your voice. Clearing your throat you said, "I smelt broom polish, vanilla, and mint, sir."

If you were blushing before what would you call this? Your cheeks felt like they were tingling as a fire does and your breath felt a little shaky. Was he looking at you? Did he know? You braved a glance and he wasn't looking at you. Instead, he was looking off and shaking his head as Harry looked annoyed at Ron and Hermione was whispering harshly, what she was saying you were not sure. Whatever it was that she was saying was evidently making Ron shake his head. And is that a blush on his face? Maybe he did know you were describing him. But why was Harry looking so annoyed by him?

Apparently Ron could feel someone's eyes on him as he looked up and caught your eyes. You involuntarily whipped your head away breaking your eye contact with widen eyes. If your cheeks were starting to return to their natural shade, they returned to the bright red when he looked at you.

"See?" you heard Hermione ask Ron, although it sounded more like a factual statement.

You focused on trying to even out your breathing and push the heat in your cheeks down. You let out a very relieved sigh when Slughorn dismissed the class. Putting your potions book and went to leave the dungeons and head to advanced herbology without sparing Ron a glance.

You had just left potions when you heard Ron calling your name. "Y/N! Hey, wait up."

You internally grimaced as you had been hoping to have this awkward conversation at a later time if not avoiding it all together. You mustered a casual smile as if nothing embarrassing like exposing your crush in potions just happened. "Hi Ron. I'd love to talk but I have to get to Herbology."

"Just a minute then?" He asked looking slightly nervous.

"That's fine," You shrugged smiling. "What's up?"

He walked closer to you. "Is it true?" He asked.

Oh no. He knows you fancy him. If he didn't catch on, Hermione must have. Nothing did ever get past her.

"Is what true?" You laughed nervously trying to sound light and airy, but failing miserably.

"That you–you know–fancy me." He said bluntly in a quieter voice than he was using a moment ago.

Your mouth opened slightly at his bluntness. But that was something you liked about him, right? How unfailingly honest he always was.

You were about to say something, what you weren't sure, but he beat you to it. "Which if you did–not that you do–would be brilliant since I've fancied you for longer than I'd like to admit." He said rushed and you saw the red that had been plaguing your cheeks all class affect his just as much. Your stunned silence must have been seen as a bad thing when he sighed defeatedly. "I told Hermione she was off her wagon."

"Hermione?" You asked breaking out of your shocked state.

"She reckoned that you fancied me. Said that you were smelling things in Amortentia that you associated with me. Told her she was mad. And Harry actually agreed with her."

Even as he admitted it to you, you still heard your subconscious screaming that the boy you've fancied for too long felt the same. "Well, you know Hermione's always right, Ron."

His head shot up, looking right at you. "You fancy me?"

"Have done for a while."

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.

You chuckled. "Really."

"Bloody hell." He said, making you laugh. "And the broom polish, vanilla, and mint?"

"Broom polish is Quidditch, you know I don't like it."

"But you came to every game last year?"

"Of course, you were on the team."

He smiled. "And vanilla?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh," you sighed. "That's that sugary cereal you always eat at breakfast."

He let out a disbelieving laugh. "That's what Hermione said."

She always was right.

"What about the mint?"

You visibly blushed. "That's your shampoo. I always smelt it when we had potions together first thing in the morning last year."

You looked at him bashfully and he just smiled, clearly over the moon that Hermione was right. "Can I walk you to class?" He asked already grabbing your bad and throwing it over his shoulder.

You laughed. "Don't you have Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"I sure do." He said starting to walk to Herbology.

"But you'll be late!" You said walking in line with him. "And you have Snape! He'll give you detention."

He glanced at you with a grin on his face. "I reckon it's worth it."

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