Chapter 2- Lucas' POV

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I sat in my room moping.

I did that a lot these days.

The moon was high in the sky, beaming through the window. That was the only source of light in the room. The torches had been extinguished long ago, and my candles had melted into messy piles of wax. But I like the dark. It matches my mood.

Why is the world so cruel? I thought. I thought that a lot, just sitting alone in my room. I used to be so happy... I always thought that my world would be perfect. How quickly it dissolved into nothing. That one bomb ruined everything.

And the Sky Pirates, I thought, my fists clenching in hatred. They were the ones that set that airstrike. The ones that ruined everything. Once I find their airship, wherever it is...

They are going to pay.

A knock on his door jolted me out of my thoughts. Oliver, my servant, poked his head in through the door. "Prince Lucas?" he said, looking a little nervous. "Your father requests your presence in his office... Would you please accompany me?"

With a dramatic sigh, I hauled myself off of the bed. "Fine. Give me a few minutes to get ready. Please," I said, remembering my manners. Oliver looked relieved, then pulled out of the doorway. I went to the dresser, picked up my brush, and started brushing my hair.

I look so different, I thought, staring at myself in the mirror. Just a year and a half ago, my eyes were bright green, 'sparkling with laughter and life', as Mother said. Now my eyes were dull, had huge dark circles under them, and had no life or laughter left in them. I finished brushing my messy blonde hair and picked up my crown. The crown had always seemed heavy, but after recent events, it seemed like a thousand pounds every time I put it on. But Father would lecture me again if I didn't wear it, so I put it on.

I grimaced as I thought of Father's lectures. They always had belittling criticism. "Your robes are wrinkled, Lucas. Your crown isn't polished, Lucas. Your appearance is simply dreadful, Lucas. When is the last time you slept?" I muttered, repeating Father's continuous insults. I heard the last one a lot more often now.

I opened the door and swept out into the hall, where Oliver was waiting. He gave me a quick lookdown, adjusted my crown a bit, then nodded in approval. "If you will follow me, Prince Lucas," he said, turning and going down the hall. I followed him, shrinking a little bit as we passed through the Statue Hall. My father loves decorating the palace with giant golden statues of himself. This hall got the nickname "Statue Hall" because there were way more statues here than anywhere else in the palace. I used to have nightmares that the statues in the hall would come alive and eat me. Not that I stopped having those nightmares...

I was so lost in thought that I nearly ran into Oliver when he stopped. He gestured towards the door to Father's office. I opened them up carefully and stepped into the office. I felt a wave of calm run over me as I took in the natural messiness of the room. Unlike the rest of the palace, which was pristine beyond human capability, the office was the one place that really felt like a home. I carefully step over a pile of books, dodge a mound of paper, and made it to the desk in the center of the room. The desk was my favorite thing in the palace. I traced my fingers along the edge, feeling the well-worn carvings of leaves and flowers.

Father sat engrossed in a book, and he didn't notice me at first. I cleared my throat softly, then when he didn't look up, I cleared it a little louder. When he still didn't look up, I sighed and said, "Father, you requested my presence?"

At last he looked up. "Oh, Lucas! You're here!" I was taken by surprise. Father never sounded particularly happy to see me. "I'm glad you could come. I have something very important to tell you about!" I tilted my head curiously. He noted my confusion, because he said, "It's about the Great Jubilee!"

Ah. The Jubilee. "I know about the Jubilee, Father. I've been waiting for it." I was flat-out lying. The truth was, I was dreading the Great Jubilee. It was Father and Mother's anniversary celebration. It was always boring, just listening to long, boring speeches about the power of love. But this year was different. What little enjoyment I used to have on the Jubilee was gone.

"That's good. Now, I had an amazing idea," he said, his excitement evidently rising. "Now, as you know, the village seems to have, ah, lost hope in the monarchy," he said, his nose crinkling ever so slightly. "So, this year, instead of enjoying our Great Jubilee from a distance, we will be there in person!"

I froze. In person? I had always hated the Jubilee, and I had just been watching it from the balcony! But in person?" Now, all of the villagers would get to see my misery up close and personal.

"Yes, in person! I will deliver an encouraging speech to the public. You will stand next to me, as visual support. Then, the villagers will regain faith and believe that we haven't left them!"

I felt queasy. I couldn't bear the thought of being there in person. And having to stand on the stage, with everyone staring at me, while my father read one of the speeches that I hate so much? I might as well try to run away. But I wouldn't make it a day out there. That was proven the hard way...

Father looked up at me, seeming to remember that I was there. "Oh, yes. The ceremony is tomorrow. Have Oliver take you to the tailor. I designed matching outfits for us, to wear on the stage." He turned back to his book. "That was all. You are dismissed."

I turned and walked slowly out of the room. When I walked out, I started to call for Oliver, but was surprised to see that he was already there. "If you will follow me, Prince Lucas." He turned and walked down yet another hall. I followed him, my thoughts trailing off.

Might as well go along with it, get this over with. I can't believe that Father hasn't cancelled the celebration. Might as well hope that something happens, makes this Jubilee a little better...

Ha. Like anything would happen this year, of all years.

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