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David explained his plan over the next minute or so.

Tennessee chuckled and said. "My dude. Sincerely, with all due disrespect. I trust ya about as far as I can throw ya."

Daniels never once took her gun off David. She kept her aim, expecting to pull the trigger at any moment. Her grip on the rifle tightened when she said. "You're even crazier than I thought if you think I'm letting you out of our sight."

"It could work," Mic said. "I got that much."

"No," Daniels declared. "We can't trust him."

As Daniels, Tennessee, and Mic argued amongst themselves, Zima kept thinking of the monster inside of her. She sat on the floor, against a wall nearby. Going over the plan in her head again, she then came to a realization. "I'll go with him," she said.

Everyone stopped arguing and watched as she slowly stood back up.

Daniels was in disbelief. "No, you can't," she said. "You're going back into stasis."

With tears in her eyes, Zima smiled and shook her head. "I already told you," she said. "This can't go back. Mic should know."

Mic nodded and said."The company would most likely breed the creature and try to control it."

"I'm in charge up here," Zima said. "It's my call. We need to get Shaw back up here to fix this thing and help these people."

Daniels teared up. "It's a suicide mission." She said.

More tears fell from Zima as she chuckled. "I know," she said. "Better this than having one of those things explode out of me. I can't go like that. This my chance to do it my way and help these people."

A deafening silence filled the room. Only the sounds of the ship could be heard. Zima was resigned to her fate. She couldn't help glancing over to Eastman's body even though she didn't have to. It just reminded her of what would soon happen and told her she was making the right decision. Daniels sobbed while Tennessee could only look down in sadness.

The only stoic faces were that of David and Mic. They knew, like the androids they were, this was the only sure way. Even though Mic knew what David knew, it didn't mean he knew what David would do. That meant he couldn't guarantee that David would hold up his end. All he could do was ensure the plan's success.

Mic stood from his chair. "I will make the preparations." He said.

"What shall I do?" David asked.

Daniels focused her rifle on David. "You sit right where you are." She said.

Mic turned to face him. "It is alright," he said. "I can perform the necessary modifications myself. Your help isn't required at this time."

Daniels looked to Tennsse and motioned with her head at David. "Cover him," she said, then picked up Zima's rifle to hand it back. "You sure about this?"

Zima took her rifle and glared at David, replying. "I promise he won't leave my sight."

Down on the planet, in the Seeder, Shaw sat with tears in her eyes as she looked at a picture of her sister and her. Several minutes had gone by and it truly felt like the end was near.

Walter walked over and sat next to her. "Were you two close?" he asked.

"I suppose," Shaw answered. "We were as close as twins could be. The last time I talked to her was the day she left, the last time I actually saw her was the week before."

Rembrandt and Wolfgang stood nearby, talking to each other as they kept their heads up for any unwelcome guests.

"Did you two talk a lot?" Walter then asked.

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