Reaching down to grab the terramorph wrapping its legs up, the geneomorph found itself beset by three more terras. Quickly, it held the terra around its legs down to extract its tail and whip it around, knocking two of the surrounding terras away. The third terra unwittingly leaped into one of the geneos free hands, and then get crushed as the geneo used both hands to ball it up.

The terramorph that had been attacking the legs suddenly jumped up and was joined by another on the geneomorph's back. Both immediately began to hack away at what they could with their tails.

Falling to its knees, the geneomorph managed to pull the injured terramorph away and toss it aside as it reached for the terra behind it. No sooner than the geneo found something to grab onto, it was attacked by two more terras.

All three terramorphs used their tails to impale the geneomorph around the neck and quickly bring an end to its struggle.

As the creature lay dying, another was about to be born.

Back on the Covenant, Zima slowly came to. She sat up and leaned against some machinery. Opposite of her was Eastman. He had already awoken several minutes ago and sat silently against a wall in a daze.

On the floor near them were two dead facehuggers. Zima spotted them almost right away and immediately began to hyperventilate.

"Oh no," Zima said as she began to cry and grab her chest.

Eastman rubbed his chest. "Zima," he called. " I don't feel so good."

Zima knew there was nothing she could do but watch in horror.

Eastman curled up. "There's something inside me," he complained. "I can feel it."

Zima began to cry even harder as she said. "Eastman, please, hold on if you can."

Eastman suddenly recoiled back and straighten his legs out. It felt like he lost control of his body as he then slightly convulsed. "Zima," he cried out. "Help me!"

Zima watched in terror as a mini terramorph then exploded from Eastman's chest. She screamed hysterically as the creature climbed out.

Hearing Zima's screams, Daniels burst out of an overhanging vent nearby. She ran around the corner to find Zima face-to-face with the terramorph.

The little creature wouldn't do anything to Zima, sensing another one being gestated. With nowhere to go, it ran at Daniels, who promptly punted the animal down the room and fired at it, blowing it to pieces.

The motion tracker hummed with so much movement. Zima looked up and spotted a facehugger slowly crawling across the ceiling. "Heads up!" she pointed.

The facehugger leaped down only to be swatted away by Daniels' rifle. She quickly aimed and fired at it to meet the same fate as the terramorph.

"You ok," Daniels asked. "Come on, get up."

The motion tracker calmed down a lot. It still hummed, though Zima didn't think to check it, figuring it must be Daniels. Slowly rising to her feet just in time to see David suddenly grab Daniels from behind.

"Mic?" Zima wondered out loud.

David whispered into Daniels' ear. "Shame," he said. "I was saving you for last."

Daniels then instantly knew it was David and struggled to break free. "Let me go!" she demanded.

Zima then noticed David's clothes were different. "You're not Mic," she said. "You're the one who did all of this."

"David," he said. "At your service. Do not worry. If you have not given birth yet, it just means you have a special one growing inside. I give you a few hours until it 'hatches'."

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