But that was all selfish. When I saw JC have his anxiety attack it hit me. He too had a lot to go through. He felt abandoned and alone. And if I were in his shoes, I would've gone crazy.

I had the twins and his family, our family. He didn't have anyone. He was alone in his battle to get better.

Now I know, I'll do everything I can to never see JC in that state again. I hope mom buries Laura in jail.

"I love you baby. I'm sorry. I never realized how you must've felt when you woke up from your coma, but you're much stronger than I am, you survived and you came back to me, to us. I would've gone crazy if the shoes were turned."

"If I can do something about it, you will never have an anxiety attack again because I will always be close to you."

I felt his arms tighten around me and I fell right back to sleep.

It was still dark when I woke up again. JC was still asleep beside me. I turned around to face him, we will be renewing our vows tomorrow. This time though, our ring bearer would be our nephew Lean, JC's mini me will be our little groom and our flower girl will be Caroline, while Yna, my mini me, will be our little bride.

We also have Rachel with us. Our family has gone a long way and it has grown, with Rachel here and all four kids, it has grown indeed.

He lifted his arm so I could place my head on his chest. He kissed my hair and whispered, "You're up early love. They won't be here until after lunch. You should get some more sleep."

"I'm not sleepy anymore. But you can go right back to sleep. I'll just lay here for a while." I told him. He held me closer to him as we lay silently.

His breathing was even, I thought he was asleep when he whispered, "What's on you mind baby?" He asked.

I just had to smile. How could he read my mind like that? I was just about to start thinking.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"How do I do what love?" He asked back in his sleepy voice.

"How can you read my mind like that? I was just about to start thinking." I told him.

"Observation. I know you take a deep breath before you start thinking, and your brain works overtime, it's way too fast for me sometimes. What were you about to think of?"

Do I tell him? Ever since he came back to me, I've been trying to be as open and honest with him without him needing to ask and ask and ask, that was part of my promise to him. Of course he doesn't know that.

"I was thinking how lucky I was that we found each other the first time, how much luckier I am to have you back. And to have two beautiful children, and a family who loves us and whom we love. I feel so blessed."

"I do too honey. We found each other once before. You found me again, and fate brought us back together. Three's a charm because we have twins. but there's more to that baby." He said.

I smiled up to him, "I was also thinking that this time, Rachel and Caroline are here to witness our wedding. They'll be here to celebrate with us. This is something I never thought would happen. And even if mom isn't here." I'm still not used to calling JC's mom mom, but the fact that she said I could and she thinks I'm the best suited for JC, it made this exchange of vows more meaningful. "The fact that she wants me to call her mom and she's happy for us just fills me up with so much joy."

I felt him smile. "Yes love. What we had to go through is all worth it if it would bring the entire family closer together. And even if it would take a while, I know we'll get there in the end." He said.

Losing you book 3Where stories live. Discover now