049. secrets and lies

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xlix||secrets and lies

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xlix||secrets and lies

The month had moved by quickly and it's already mid September, more and more reports of gruesome deaths and attacks, less and less students attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Maria had spent most of her time browsing in the library for anything to keep her mind off everything going on around her, she'd sometimes see Regulus sat alone with his eyebrows furrowed, reading books that Maria had never seen before. He almost looked as though he didn't want anyone to find out what he was reading about, and this alone made Maria sceptical.

She'd also spent a few nice afternoons studying with Jamie Diggory, who turns out to be quite the friend to Maria. He almost always sits with her when she's alone in the great hall and  when she looks lonely.

Alyssa has been constantly keeping an eye on her also, keeping up to date with all Maria's latest updates on boys and friends and family. She appreciates their efforts, but no amount of kindness will be able to fill that gaping hole in her chest, like an open wound that can only be seen by someone willing to look close enough.

The wound made by the boy she loves the most.

Maria had accepted  that's all there is when it comes to falling in love, wounds, that just cut deeper and deeper each time. Because, as Regulus had once said on one of their many nights on the astronomy tower when she tried to thrown her wand off the hall tower — mostly because she kept in getting the shielding spell wrong — and the tousle haired boy had grabbed her wrist and shook his head. She had asked why and told him that the worst that could happen was that the wand would fall down onto the land beneath them. Regulus had responded wisely: 'whatever falls, breaks'.

It's now, that Maria understands what the Black meant.

"Tell me again." Alyssa sighs as the two girls enter the great hall and Maria sighs, repeating the incantation they have to learn for charms to the blonde who echoes the words with a smile.

"Lyssa, have you ever. . .done something, but then it's only after you've done it that you regret it?" Maria asks her as they sit at the Slytherin table opposite each other. Alyssa raises one of her eyebrows and nods, Maria huffing and asking what exactly Alyssa had done, only to get the response that she had eaten all of Regulus' treacle fudge and then he'd taken her favourite muggle sweets — Haribos.

"Why?" Alyssa asks the girl in front of her after she swallows some toast.

"Because. . ."

"Spit it out!" Alyssa says impatiently and Maria sighs loudly.

"I slept with Sirius." Maria whispers and Alyssa frowns as her cheeks bulge with a large amount of scrambled eggs.


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