Roxy's Goodbye

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This chapter takes place when Roxy gives a final exam to Rudeus before she leaves.

I was heartbroken the day Roxy announced she was leaving.

"How can such a beacon in my life leave?" I thought.

I reminisced about the times we had.

It had been almost a year, but it felt as if that cute mage had only arrived a few days ago.

Time moves so fast here it feels like a dream. The memories fly past me. Like when Roxy first got here and I accidentally yelled: "Yes, a Moe Witch Loli" out loud. Or that one day where I decided to give in to my urges and peek in her room to see if anything "interesting" was happening, only to find she was telling stories to Rudeus about the ancient races and cultures. It was so interesting. I forgot what my original intentions were. I came in and sat down to listen to her beautiful tales about oppression and uprising and I just couldn't enough. I almost pulled an all-nighter listening to them while Rudy had passed out sound asleep in my lap. Then there was that time when I got Rudeus to call her master as a joke. She can't stand us calling her that even to this day. I never knew she would get so offended over that. Most people take that phrase as a compliment.

Not everything we did was fun and games. My bond with Roxy really started to form when she saw that I was spying on them when they practiced magic together. She assumed I was testing her ability to tutor him. Roxy asked me if I had studied, and what magic university I went to. I told her that I never went to a university, that I was from a place where no one was able to use magic, and unfortunately that included me. She was shocked that such a place existed. Roxy then asked where my knowledge came from. She learned that I had memorized all the incantations and experimented with different poses, and how I lost my patience after no success. The caster however was not one to give up as easily as I. She wanted to reinvigorate my spirit and was dead set on watching me improve.

It's funny...

I had a friend who tried to reach out to me and encourage me to go to school. Teachers however don't care if you ever show your face in class again, as long as their pay isn't docked. At least that's what I use to think...

As a teacher, she tried all sorts of things with me. One time we tried to apply math formulas from my world to see if we could incorporate them to the magic circles in the books to get them to work. Another time she tried to perform detoxification spell on me to cure the disease that prevented me from using magic. Then later Roxy let me hold her staff and her arm when casting to see if we would get a different result.

Of course, they all failed.

Roxy didn't want us to be thinking about the past though. She wanted us to move forward and focus on Rudeus's graduation. It was a special exam she made for him. A few days before they celebrated Rudeus Greyrat's birthday. They brought around a feast with desserts and presents and fanfare I hadn't seen for such a long time. They only have three birthdays to one at 5, 10, and 15 so each one is treated as a grand holiday. I mentioned how it was weird to give a sword to a five-year-old. I think they took that as I never had a birthday before because they showered me with gifts they found around the house the next day. Paul officially lent me one of the practice swords that he used to target me with. Zenith gave s me-sized robe and garments to wear. I don't know whether she bought it or made it herself, but it was very comfortable and it felt like I wearing a custom wizard cosplay. It was a good thing she gave me new clothes. My old ones were getting worn out. They once tried to lend me some of Paul's garments however they were long around the arms and a little too tight around the waist. Roxy even pitched in and made a comprehensive scroll with a bunch of magic circle designs for me.

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