Chapter Number Two

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Well, since this is a new book, we've got a new chapter for you today as well! Enjoy your reading :P

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Chapter two


The man laughed throatily while my brother and friends gawked at me. Around us the wolves moved restlessly and I stilled. Levy clenched my hand so tightly I knew I’d bruise.

“Well you are indeed correct, my dear,” he purred with a cruel glint in his gaze. I gulped at the look and pushed Levy towards the boys, Jake grabbed her and Reed took hold of my hoodie and yanked...

But the man moved swiftly, snatching the front of my hoodie and pulled also. I was torn between the two and the cheap material ripped causing me to stumble forward into the grip of the man. He flung the shredded hoodie to the side and took a good grip of my arm spinning me so I faced the others.

“Hey! Let her go!” Reed shouted, lunging a step forward but halted when one of the wolves moved to block him.

“Now now now,” the man chuckled. “Any of you move out of line and you’ll die.”

“Fuck this!” Shane snapped and whirled to run off.

We stared after him. He’d abandoned us but didn’t get far. The man snapped his fingers and a wolf pounced on Shane from the shadows. It knocked him to the ground and Shane screamed. White large teeth gleamed in the moon light rearing back before shooting forward and biting deep into flesh.

I tried to look away but the man chuckled again and grasped my hair harshly forcing me to watch. The wolf didn’t kill Shane quickly no, he played with him, slicing his skin as Shane cried out and begged for help.

“Stop!” I screamed. “Please stop!”

But it didn’t.

Levy screamed and I felt tears run down my cheeks. I sobbed and tried to jerk free but the man’s grip was like iron. The wolf snarled above Shane and lunged for his throat, tearing it out with bone snapping. I gagged and shut my eyes tightly.

“You bastard!” Jake roared and went to charge at the wolf. If he did he would be killed.

“Reed! Stop him!” I yelled to my stunned brother.

He jerked into motion and tackled Jake to the grass where he pinned him. Levy sobbed uncontrollably having fallen to the earth in a heap, arms around her knees as she rocked back and fro.

“Enough! Jake! Calm the fuck down!” Reed shouted as Jake struggled to break free. Tears were flowing from his enraged eyes and even Reed was crying also.

Shane was dead. He was murdered. By a werewolf.

Those three sentences kept rolling through my mind, kept attacking my brain. It shouldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be real.

“Shane,” I whispered my eyes betraying me as they looked to where his destroyed body laid. I gagged at what I saw. The wolf was eating him!

“Leave him alone!” I snapped, jerking violently.

“Now now-,” the man began but cut off when I head butted him into the chin pulling free of his grasp.

“You sick fuck!” I snarled at him.

“Ro!” Reed snapped. “Don’t!”

“What kind of monster are you?!”

“The one that kills stupid little tramps like you,” he snarled. Now his snarl was a real one, way more powerful and threatening than mine.

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