little whore

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TW - sexual harassment, mentions of rape
Ash tried to push the boy of herself. But he was too strong. It was safe to say that the boy was a few inches taller then her and probably about 90 pounds heavier then her. Normally she would never go to a party alone, but she didn't really cared after what just happened. But with the heavy guy on top of her she started to regret it.

It also didn't helped that she was drunk.

She looked around searching for help, but the few people that stood around were rather making out and probably thought her and the boy did the same or didn't care.

She felt his hands wandering towards her inner thighs and a shiver ran down her spine.

"Oh, you like that" the boy said, getting even closer.

"No, I don't " the words came out softer then she wanted them to be. "No, I don't " she repeated, harsher this time.

"Oh, come on. I know you do. Everyone does."

"In fact, I don't think anyone ever liked anything from you." I said, getting more and more angrier. All I wanted to do was party and forget the things that just happened and he was not helping.

When his hands touched her boobs she finally lost it.

"Get off of me, bastard" she screamed angrily and kicked the boy in the crotch. He fell of with a gasp.

Now Ash had all eyes on her. Everyone stared at her and she wished she wouldn't have screamed that loud. Just go inside and forget this she thought.

So she turned around to go back inside when a hand suddenly grabbed for her neck and pushed her against the wall. It was the boy again.

"What did you just called me you little whore?" he asked, very angrily, his hands gripping tighter around my neck.

"I... air" was all she could bring out. But his hands only grasped tighter. Why is no one helping? Little dark dots began to build in her sight. He's gonna kill me. Help.

"Hey Brandon, why don't you try someone your height?" was all Ash heard before the grip around her neck suddenly went away. She fell to the ground, holding her neck and gasping for air. With her vision still blurry she saw someone punching the guy, Brandon, on the floor. He hit him one more time and then turned around starting to go towards her. She saw Brandon getting up, stumbling and then running away, not looking back once.

The guy kneelt next to her and he said in a soft voice " Are you okay?"

She needed some time but then she said "yeah".

"I am sorry he is a dick. I should have never invited him."

"It's ok" she said, her voice suddenly cracking. The tears she tried to hold back the whole time started rolling down, leaving her sobbing on the cold floor.

Suddenly two arms hugged her tightly.

"It's okay" the boy said. "Sshh, don't cry."

That just made her cry even more. Every moment from today just came rushing in again. Ash standing over the body, a bleeding body, from a man she thought she knew. A man that tried to rape her only moments before. The burning house. It was all just too much. She wanted to say something again, but couldn't bring out a single word. She cuddled herself into the boys hoodie, trying to stop herself from crying. Stop being so weak. You're stronger than that. But that also didn't helped. The tears kept streaming down her face, leaving dark marks on his hoodie.

Suddenly she was lifted up and she could feel the boy carrying her into the house, where loud music surrounded her. She excepted him to let her down on of the couches that she saw when she first got here, but he carried her further. He walked down the hallway, stopped at one of the doors and struggled to open it with her still in his arms.

She lifted up her head. " what are you doing?" she asked, still sobbing.

"Don't worry" the boy said, opened the door and let her down on a bed that stood in the room. " you can sleep here tonight. I don't want you to go home alone."

Little did he knew that she didn't had a home anymore.

Ash finally calmed down a little. " where are you gonna sleep?"

"In my room?" looking at me in question. "This is my friends room. He's out of town."

"Is he okay with that?" Ash asked.

"He doesn't have to know, right? " the boy said, a smile coming up on his face.

A small chuckle came out of Ashes mouth. "Okay"

The boy sat down next to her, a questioning look on his face again.

"Did you knew Brandon?"

"No, I met him here. We danced for some time and then he wanted to talk to me and said we should go outside, because it was too loud inside. I shouldn't have gone with him" she said the last words more to herself then to the boy.

"It's not your fault, he always has been a dick."

"You know him?"

"Yes, sadly. We went to school together."

Ash yawned, earning a "Am I boring you?" from the boy.

"No, no. I am just really tired and after all that happened I just wanna sleep."

"Understandable" the boy got up looking one last time at her. "Goodnight.. uhm, what's your name?"

"Ash" the girl said.

"Well then , goodnight Ash" he turned around, walked to the door, opened it and left.

Dumbass. You didn't even asked what his name is. She thought to herself.

Ash took off her shoes and slid off the jacket she was wearing. She laid down on the bed and looked around the room. It was nice and big and the bed was really comfortable. Like really really comfortable. She turned around and closed her eyes. She was really tired. But there were on last thing to do before she could sleep. She went to door and locked it.

Better safe than sorry.


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