"Here are the rules, you ready?"

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Emma's POV.

Rumors of Rick and Mindy breaking up then Charlie and I spread like wildfire.  Mindy was with Louis and Charlie was with Linda.  I was doing better than I ever have and to my surprise, 7 boys asked me for my number.  I was thriving without Charlie and everyone saw that, but that didn't mean I didn't miss him more than ever.  

"So French, you ready for practice," Banksie asked

"Yeah, so ready to be hit on by a bunch of older boys who think I'm hot."

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when I became single everyone on the varsity team started to hit on me.  It was almost unbearable.  The worst was rick, but I wasn't complaining.  I was honestly thinking about giving Rick my number.

In the locker room:

 "So have you thought about giving me your number yet sweetheart?" Rick asked obviously flirting with me.

 After contemplating for a couple of seconds and realizing I need to make Charlie jealous if I ever wanted to get back together with him. "You know what fuck it yeah its  ************"

 "OHHH DAMMMMMM Rick's gonna get some" Cole yelled very stupidly if I might add

"No, you dipshit she just gave him her number not stripped in front of him," Scooter told Cole calmly trying to calm him down.

We finally got on the ice and everyone was teasing me about giving my number to rick.  While on the ice I saw charlie and Linda literally sucking each other's faces off.

" WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled in shock. I was getting a weird feeling in the bottom of my stomach that I could only guess as jealousy. Who would make out in an ice rink..... unless he knew that I had practice and is doing this on purpose?

 "What's up ems," Adam said as he skated over after probably hearing me yell.

 "They're literally sucking each other's faces off who does that" I saw with jealousy dripping off of every word that is coming out of my mouth.

" It sounds like Emma is a little jealous," Adam said with a smirk rolling onto his face after he said that.

 "As if...okay I am I really just need to get with someone to make him jealous" A small idea coming to my head, get with Adam to make Charlie jealous and have him beg me to take him back. The only problem was I thought of Adam as my brother.  They were just becoming friends again after adam made varsity.

 "Don't look at me you know you are like my sister.........what about rick you could help each other make your exes jealous" Adam said after thinking for a second. I mean he did have a point, Rick could get Mindy back and I could get Charlie.

 "Yeah I guess that could work out for me, it's just convincing Rick to do it that will be hard for me to do"

Small Time Skip:

I ran up to Rick to try to talk to him.  I saw him staring at something in the distance, it was Mindy and Louis.

 "You good Rick," I asked him already knowing the answer was no because I just saw the same thing.

 "No they are literally macking in front of everyone it's disgusting" He sounded so hurt but he didn't care at all. He didn't want to show her that he missed her and kudos to him at that point.

 "Play it off like your dating me then maybe she will get jealous" I whispered to him as I slowly wrapped my arm around his waist. Hopefully, he got the hint to wrap his arm around my waist. He did and pulled me closer than I was before.

 "Oh hi BABE how are you," He said really putting emphasis on the babe. Hopefully, she noticed.

Mindy pulled away from Luis to look at us as we walked by them.  You could clearly see the jealousy in her eyes but also sadness.  Now that is weird.

 "Good how are you sweetheart let's go back to my dorm is that okay or do you want to go to your dorm" I really need to explain how this was going to work if we were going to make our exes jealous.

 "Yeah let's go to your dorm babe," He said with slight confusion spread across his face.

As soon as we rounded the corner our arms separated each other faster than you could say depressing. 

In Emma's Dorm:

I unlocked my dorm and shoved him in the door so that we could talk.

 "Okay so here is how this is going to work, we are going to fake date to make our exes jealous" I saw getting straight to the point not wanting to drag this out more than it has to be.

 "So basically we are just using each other, do we get to make out"I mean he has the basic ideas down but there has to be some rules so that this doesn't get out of hand.

 "Ok so here are the rules you ready

1.)You will put your hand in my back pocket when we walk through the halls

2.)No falling in love with the other person

3.)No telling other people that this is fake" I saw getting out of breath from saying all of that. Hopefully, I don't have to explain it much further than that.

 "So basically we just act like a couple in front of people" Stating the obvious but more so clarifying it for himself.

 "Yeah," I say as I want to get this over with so I can go to my next hour which happens to be lunch with the varsity and JV team.  I have never wanted to go die more.

"So could we practice making out right now or no" Rick asked super cockily and sounding like a douchebag.

 "Keep it in your pants jackass" Acting like I didn't like it but honestly it was so hot.

 "You know that you love me sweetheart" I was getting kinda turned on at this point.

 "In your dreams Ricky poo"

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