Cap didnt have a choice and so he swung one of his 5 daggers at her, hitting her thigh. She immediately fell asleep. Libra was kinda shocked while i saw it coming, just not as harshly as it did. We just decided to wait till she woke up and maybe she would be back to normal. Yeah, till something came out of her body. It looked like her soul left her body but that wasn't her soul. That was some kind of creature who then targeted Libra and out of panic I electrocuted it. It turned into dust and the only thing left to do was wait for gemini to wake up. We decided to speed up the process and Scorpio summoned a puppy who licked her face till she woke up. She was now awake but looked confused which confused us too as to why she was confused. She looked carefully at us and proceeded to ask a question who left us speechless.

... who are you and where am i?...

What?! She didnt just forget who we are did she? Asked Scorpio.

Yes, yes she did. Replied Aries. He was in utter shock. One moment she lunges at him and the next, she doesn't even remember his name.

I just watched as Libra, clearly mad, began to shake her by the shoulders with a tint of craziness in her eyes. She was about to to shake that girl to death.

Gemini, its me. Libra remember? Your bestfriend.

Sorry but i dont know a libra.

Yes you do please... libra was probably breaking at this point [sarcastically]. Why would Gem forget her? I stepped up and put a hand on her shoulder while shaking my head slightly.

Let her. I said. That was one of the moments where i sounded dead cold for some odd reason. Libra just stood up angrily.

We were slowly stepping back till she just turned around and went to gemini

You cant forget us. Thats not what you promised.

Gemini looked at her as of she was crazy or something but after a few seconds her gaze softened and she looked up at the now towering over her Libra.

You bet i wouldn't. She responded.

~back in the original room~

Hey libra i know its an odd situation and this isn't the right time or place to ask but how do u feel about this.

Uhm gemini why are u asking?

Because i wanna know?

Okay.. well its a very fucked up situation but i am happy that i am not alone you know.

Ha! I knew it. Do you think you can forget us if we were to escape? and like just live the life u always did?

No. I can't forget you guys... i think no one here would.

You bet i wouldn't.

*end of flashback*

They were now smirking at eachother while we were confused as fuck, per usual. It wasnt the forst nor last time they would pull something like that.

Ahaaaa... a keyword. Smart, smart girls.

Of course Sagittarius would catch up. He was equally weird. Aries then stood up and smacked gemini on the head, gently not like if it would be a guy. She laughed at him.

Do NEVER do that again ok.

Yeah, yeah sure.

They then hugged her. Libra broke the hug last.

That was messed up.
Scorpio's PoV

Gemini, libra, Aries and Sag were casually walking and giggling like nothing happened. To be honest i could see Virgo getting even more confused by the second. They were acting like nothing happened. I understood since she was really concerned for them. I was just happy that it wasn't a prank, otherwise Aqua and Virgo would've lost their shit already and i am not about to deal with that. I then looked at Leo who was walking beside Aqua the whole time. She didnt care, didnt bother. Virgo was walking in front of me thinking about something. She was always on something wether it were drugs or a good amount of calming pills, who knows.

We were the last ones and the others were walking infront of us. Pi and Taurus were holding hands. They seemed like a couple already even tho they never made it official or something. Capricorn and Cancer were talking. They were probably crushing on eachother hard. I kinda like to see how long couples take to become one, i think its interesting. Then Sag and Libra. They give me friendly vibes. Aries and Gem, well they kinda already act like a couple. I honestly don't know at this point. Leo and Aqua seem to just have gotten comfortable enough. I would say the time where they obviously have feelings for eachother but hide it as much as they can. And then theres me and V. I dont know what she feels towards me, i felt close to her but she always repeated the word "bestfriends" so idk.

Okay i am not really romantic so i hate thinking about that.

I was casually walking till i heard a growl right under my ear. I looked at virgo and she looked just normally like before but i could see cold sweat breaking out as she backed up a little closer to me. Then everything went pitch black. All of this happened in seconds.
Hello and here i am again.

Sorry for discussing the couples again but thats the current status.

I haven't checked for grammar mistakes and i will probs do it tomorrow.

Ily take care of yourself.

Byeee till next time.

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