Ex Fake Husband

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No one's POV:

It was the next day and news of Fallon and Jeff's split was spreading like wildfire.  Much to Fallon's disappointment what did she expect?  A powerful business couple made up of two well known families divorcing after less than 24 hours of marriage, that's quite the headline.  Despite this Fallon was still calling every magazine to take down the story, determined to keep her image and pride.

Liam's POV:

I hopped onto my motorcycle and began to make my way to the Carrington Manor.  Fallon and I were going to be getting our marriage annulled as soon as possible.  I wish I could get to spend more time with Fallon and get to know her better, but all good things must come to an end, even if we never really started.  I pulled up outside the front door and Culhane was there cleaning one of the many cars Blake owns.  "Hey I wasn't really sure where to park, okay if I leave my motor here?" I politely ask.  "Sure" Culhane says clearly not in the best of moods.  I start to walk up the steps when Culhane speaks.  "Hey be careful with Fallon, she knows how to string people along".  "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask confused.  "Look man, it's easy to get caught up with her believe me I know.  Just watch yourself, don't get too involved she'll hurt you" Culhane wasn't giving me friendly advice, he was warning me.  "I'm just the fake husband, soon to be ex fake husband, I'll be fine".

Fallon's POV:

"You will take down that story right now" I angrily shouted down the phone.  "No this isn't a spam call. Son of a bitch!" I aggressively throw my phone on the sofa.  "Miss me already?" I hear someone say.  I turn around to see Liam standing before me.  "The internets chewing me to bits over mine and Jeff's divorce, I'm being compared to 2007 Britney" I sigh.  "What are you doing here anyways?" I ask.  "Well I assume we are still getting an annulment right?".  "Oh yea of course I completely forgot.  I've been spending the whole morning stressing about getting mine and Jeff's divorce away from the public".  "How's that working out for you?" Liam says with a smile trying not to laugh.  "Oh it's going just great, turns out writers don't actually care about your feelings when they can make big money from a juicy story" I say sarcastically.  "Well I'm sorry to hear that Fallon, but do you just wanna do this annulment now and we can keep it away from the press?" Liam offers kindly.  "I'd love nothing more".

No one's POV:

It's later at night and Fallon is getting ready for bed.  Her and Liam got their annulment drawn up and signed, she's officially Fallon Carrington again.  She made sure to to venmo him his 200 grand and wished him well, although part of her was sad to see him go, he was so nice to her.  However there was still Culhane that she had to deal with.  Fallon decided she couldn't wait till morning to speak to him so she made her way down to the loft.  Luckily she has the keys to Culhane's place therefore just let herself in.

"Culhane?" she called out.  "Fallon, what are you doing here?" he asked confused.  "Culhane we need to talk".  "About what?".  "Us".  There was silence for a moment before he spoke again.  "I don't think there's much to talk about Fallon, right now I think it's best we keep our distance" he says bluntly.  "But why?" Fallon asks upset.  "Fallon without even talking to me you dragged me to City Hall the other day but no no not because you wanted to marry me, because you needed someone for your plan to screw over Jeff" he says, clearly angry.  "Wanting to marry you wasn't to screw over Jeff, screwing over Jeff was just icing on top of the cake" she tries to explain.  "Then why don't I buy that Fallon?".  Fallon stands there not sure what to say.  "I think it's best you leave Fallon".  She tries to look him in the eyes but he won't look at her.  There's no point in trying to continue this conversation so she takes his advice and leaves.

A week later

Fallon's POV:

"ughhh" Fallon groaned as her 6am alarm began ringing.  She really couldn't be bothered getting out of bed today but decided against that.  However once Fallon's feet touched the ground she heard a loud smash.  Confused, Fallon quickly headed downstairs to see what was happening.  It seems Blake was having one of his temper tantrums where he started throwing whatever was in sight.  "Dad what the hell is wrong with you!?" she shouts.  Blake was far too angry to engage in conversation with anyone at the moment.  "It appears Mr Carrington's father has just recently passed this morning" Anders informs Fallon.  "Grandpa's dead?" Fallon says utterly shocked.  "Unfortunately yes, I'm very sorry Miss Carrington" he says apologetically.  "Dad..." "Please Fallon just leave me be".

No one's POV:

News of Thomas Carrington's death made it's way through the Manor and soon everyone knew.  Crystal was currently comforting Blake, Sam was comforting Steven, however no one was there to comfort Fallon.  It was now 10am and the Manor was silent, everyone was in mourning.  Thomas dying just added yet another problem to Fallon's life.  Within the past 2 days she'd divorced 2 men, argued with the man she loves, argued with her father and lost her grandfather.  Thankfully Culhane decided to show up and give his condolences to the Carrington's, mainly Fallon.  She was sitting in the lounge downing multiple glasses of whiskey when he came and sat down next to her.  "I heard about your grandfather and I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss Fallon".  She looked into his eyes and she wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or just her emotions running high, but when she looked at him she didn't see anything, feel anything.  "Thank you Culhane, but I'd like to be alone if that's okay".  "Of course" he places his hand on hers, "I'm here if you need anything".

Liam's POV:

I was sitting in front of my fireplace pondering over the events of the last few days.  I wanted to call her, hear her voice, hear how she's doing, but I knew it wasn't my place to.  That was until her name popped up on my phone and she was calling me.  As soon as I saw her name I grabbed my phone and answered.  "Fallon?" "Liam hi" her voice sounded broken.  "Hey is everything okay?" I ask worried.  "No, my grandfather just passed away this morning and with that and everything else that's been happening I just needed to hear a friendly voice.".  I felt a sick feeling in my stomach, knowing she was hurting was hurting me.  "Oh my gosh Fallon I am so sorry, is there anything I can do?" "Do you think you could possibly come to the funeral? It's tomorrow, Blake wanted it as soon as possible".  "Yea of course, don't worry I'll be there" I say trying to comfort her.  "Thank you Liam, I really just need someone there with me tomorrow, I'll let you get back to your night".  "Hey do you maybe just wanna come over to mine right now? I'd hate knowing you're alone in this hard time".  "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude".  "Don't be silly, I'd love to have you over".  "Okay I'll be there in 15".  I was surprised she said yes to be honest considering it's quite late, however I'm happy she did.  

No one's POV:

It was 15 minutes later when Liam heard a knock at his door.  Swiftly he got up and made the 5 steps to his door.  "Hey Fal" he used his nickname for her, "come in" gesturing inside.  "Thank you for letting me come over, I really just need to get everything off my mind" she says quietly.  "Hey of course, I'm always here if you need me, what are friends for" he smiles.  They both sit on his sofa in front of the crackling fire.  "So how have you been doing since I last saw you?" she asked softly. "Yea I've been alright, just doing a bit of writing-" "Wait you're a writer?" "Oh yea, I've been writing for quite a few years now actually" he says looking into her eyes.  "Damn, shows how much I pay attention" she says looking down.  "Hey don't worry about it, I don't really talk about it". "How come?" she asks intrigued.  "Ah well my name is actually Jack Liam Ridley Lowden" he says nervously. "Why do you use your middle name?". "My family's the Vankirks". "Wait the Vankirks? As in the Vankirks of New York?" she asks completely blown away.  "Yep that's them".  "Well how come you want to keep your name away from that?" she asks confused. "My family's a tremendous mess, I didn't want my name tangled up in it all so I use my middle name to hide from that" he explains.  "Gosh, well I'm sorry to hear that, no one should have to hide themselves from their family name" she kindly says.  "Thanks, I don't mind though, getting away from my family was good for me".  "So who's in your family?"

ooooh fallon's gonna find out about liam's family members, keep reading to find out more about liam

hope everyone's doing okay :)

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