chapter one

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You woke up again, noticing the fact that your throat wasn't hurting anymore and you felt now more alive than before.

You sat up carefully and looked around you. Gosh, you really haven't had no idea how much you could miss the tower.

"Feeling better kid?" Tony asked as he walked in, Clint following behind. They both seemed happy to see you awake.
"Yes.. a little." you managed to say and tried to clear your throat.

"You really scared us again little sister." Clint teased as he sat down on the other side of your bed. You grinned and grabbed his hand. It was nice to see him again, you really had missed your best friend.
"I assume you want to know what happened?" Tony said firmly and you nodded in reply. Even though you could talk now, you still had to spare your words.

Then Tony drew a gaze at Clint as a sign to start.

Clint sighed heavily, he seemed still little upset and tired of the latest events that had happened among the team.

"After you had got kidnapped again, we started to look for you. Half of the team went with SHIELD and me and Tony stayed in here. We hacked ourselves inside your school's security system and found couple of videos from the day you disappeared.
There was that strange man who acted to be your 'new driver', and for my surprise, he seemed so familiar. You literally have no idea how long I tried to remember where I had seen him before." Clint explained and sighed again. You tightened your grip around his hand.
"You knew him?" you asked and Clint nodded in reply. You gave a look at your father, who was listening Clint's words very carefully.

"As I said, I had seen that man before and it took me almost three hours before I realized who he was.
I realized I had seen him with Hydra, in one of my missions when I still was an agent in SHIELD." Clint said and looked apologetically into your eyes.
"And when Clint had realized it, we called Fury immediately.
Turned out, that they had been spied him for a long time now already. So we got his location and its coordinates and we found you, almost chocked to death by that Thor's stupid brother. I'm glad we got to save you just in time." Tony told you.
You were actually pretty impressed by his words, maybe he still cares about you more than he lets you know.

"What about Loki?" you asked then after the memories of his attempts to kill you, came back.
"Thor brought him back to his father in Asgard. I really hope that Odin is smart enough to threw him into the cell for the rest of his life for his actions." Tony replied with satisfaction showing on his face when he thought about Loki chained up in cell.

"He was brainwashed." you reminded him.

"Was he brainwashed too when he had kidnapped you before??" Tony raised his voice a little. He hated when you tried to argue with him.
"Actually, yes." you replied and tried hard not to grin. Clint was also helplessly holding his smile.

Tony rolled his eyes as he sighed.
"I just hope you're happy that you survived from that bastard's hands." he said firmly and looked straight into your eyes. You nodded a little as a sign that you agreed. You didn't want him to think that you were ungrateful for your rescue.

"And Hydra?" you asked then, leading the conversation to Clint, who was still holding your hand.
"Some of them escaped, but we managed to capture few men. Fury are taking care of them now, you have nothing to worry about anymore." Clint said with loving and caring voice. He smiled at you gently and you did the same. You were happy that all of it was now over, finally.

But you couldn't ignore your thoughts about Loki. Was he alright? Is he still mind controlled? And most importantly..

was he lying when he had told you about his feelings?

"Everything alright?" Clint asked after he had noticed that you had zoned out, deep into your own thoughts. You shook your head a little and looked at him.
"Yes I'm fine." you replied firmly and tried to sound convincing. You weren't going to tell them about Loki.

"When I can get out of here?" you asked then as you turned to look at your father. You tried to lead the conversation to something else before Clint could suspect anything else.
"Well, Bruce said you're alright and healed enough to leave when you feel like it." he replied. For your surprise, he hadn't tried to keep you there any longer than you had to.
"Then I'm leaving now." you said firmly and  made a quick move forwards, which you really shouldn't have done since your head was still hurting badly.
"Everything alright Y/N?" Clint asked, sounding concerned as he placed his hands on your back to support you.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just feel little dizzy that's all." you lied, you didn't want to tell them about your headache now or from the past few weeks either.

"You sure kiddo?" Tony asked as he was supporting you too as you were trying to stand up from the bed. You rolled your eyes and nodded in reply, trying to convince them helplessly that you were a lot more than alright.

They supported you as you stood up on your feet and they let go soon when you took successfully your first few steps.
"See? I told you I was alright." you teased Clint who was still walking too close behind you, ready to catch if you fall. Clint rolled his eyes but couldn't help not to chuckle a little at you.

"Since you are that well healed, maybe we should get you upstairs to meet the team. They had been little worried about you." Tony suggested and headed back to the elevator, you and Clint following him behind. Clint was also still holding your arm in his, making sure you would stay up on your feet.

"Seriously Clint, I can still walk on my own." you snarled and tried to push him gently further from you. Clint sighed and accepted his loss, but he still kept walking very close to you, just in case.

You all headed up to the common room, where the rest of the team probably were right now. The door slid open and you stepped in while the others had turned around to check who was coming.

"Y/N!" Thor jumped up from the couch and rushed to hug you. His hug was gently but tight, like usual.
"How is our little mind reader doing ?" he asked as he dropped you back on your feet. The others had gathered around you as well, looking pretty relieved that you were alive and well.
"I'm alright, thanks to all of you." you said without stopping the coming smile on your lips.
"You're part of the team, of course we rescued you." Steve replied and placed his hand on your shoulder. He looked pleased that you were alright.

"Alright give my daughter some space, she just got out of the medical." you heard your mother behind the others. They all stepped aside as Pepper walked over you and hugged you tightly.
"I'm glad you're alright." she said and touched gently at your cheek. You just smiled in reply.

Then you all decided to sat down on the couch, just like usual.
Steve asked you few questions about Hydra and Loki. He also admitted that he had been pretty surprised when he had heard about the super soldier program and that it was still working.

"And they tried it on you?" Nat asked, sounding very concerned.
"Yeah, but I'm alright." you replied. "I swear!" you added after you noticed that everyone was looking at you with worried looks on their faces.
And somehow you still managed to convince that you were just yourself and Hydra hadn't got you under their control.

'Cause that you were feeling right now, right?

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