Chapter Three(draft)

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The expression on the white-clothed healer's face melted from one of shock to an amused smile. Her dark red lips which contrasted sharply with her snow white skin curled upwards as she lifted a hand, just as white as the rest of her and placed it under Itadori's head, laying him back down with an almost motherly amount of gentleness.

Seeing that he had woken up was enough for her to know that he work was done. She sighed out in relief, glad that issue with him wasn't as serious as she had feared. She frowned slightly; had Gojō brought this boy to her even a day later, his life could have been in serious danger. She sighed and got up from her kneeling position on the floor. She walked out of the room, her long white hair trailing behind her, tips brushing lightly against the firm wooden floor.

She placed her petite pale hands on a firm wooden doubledoorand pushed it open. She took in a deep breath and walked out to a balcony, placing her hands on the railing and staring at the full moon. She heard a sound much like a tsusumi beat and looked to her right, seeing her right hand man crouching on top of the railing.
It was the person who spoke with our team first year.

A swift gust of wind blew down his hood, letting the moonlight illuminate his facial features. He turned to her and smiled. His skin was pale and smooth, his hair a jet black that faded into dark blue at the tips. His eyes were a mysterious blend of black and blue and held a certain kindness. "Konbanwa, Mikia-san." (Good evening) He said to her in a voice far less sinister than the one he had used when talking the others.

"I'll take it you're done with the young cursed one?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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