Chapter 1

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Most hero stories start with an outgoing main character with the perfect life. Well this is the opposite. I'm an introvert whose mom died when I was younger. I never really talk. Well I do to my dad.
Dad: "Y/n get ready for breakfast."
Y/n: "Alright dad. Be right there."
I walk out and dad is watching something on TV. It sounds like I heard something about Miracle guy. He was found falling from the sky?
He quickly turns it off.
Dad: "Morning kiddo. Did you sleep ok?"
I look in the sink and noticed he put the eggs in the sink and the shells in the bowl. I grab some of the shells.
Y/n: "Did you?"
We just decided to have cereal and toast but it's ok. Things happen.
Dad: "You know I want you to make some friends."
I shrug then look at the TV.
Y/n: "Woah! Is that miracle guy?"
Dad turns off the TV again.
Dad: "That is just a training exercise, probably. A- a "what if"."
Y/n: "As long as there's no "what if" that involves you rejoining the team."
Dad: "Relax. Even though I'm still the leader of the Heroics, I'm doing it from the safety of my own office."
Y/n: "Good. Because a deal is a deal."
My dad just laughs at me.
~At School~
Y/n: "What's wrong?"
Dad: "Nothing. Umm I love you."
Y/n: "An 'I love you' on a random Tuesday morning? Are you sure you're ok?
He looks at me
Y/n: "I love you too."
I walk into school.
I was trying to help some kids get a ball from a tree and they kept assuming I had powers.
Y/n: "I've already told y'all. I don't have powers..."
The ball falls from the tree.
Y/n: "Not me, gravity."
All of a sudden some lady in a suit tells me to come with her into a really fancy high tech car. I hesitated to go, but I saw the Heroics pin and knew something was wrong. I got in with them.
??: "What was described earlier today as merely telescopic observations..."
Y/n: "So where are we going again? And why?"
The lady looks at me.
??: "...above the Earth's atmosphere is now confirmed to be something more serious, causing a mass mobilization of superhero personnel..."
Y/n: "Mobilization of hero personnel? Can you turn it up please?"
The start closing the window.
Y/n: "Wait, wait. Did they just say 'Aliens'?
I lean back on the chair. Something must be really wrong. I look and see helicopters leaving the Heroics headquarters. My dad beeps my watch.
Y/n: "Dad? Dad, what's going on?"
Dad: "Y/n, where are you? Are they moving you to headquarters?"
Y/n: "I think so..."
Dad: "Good."
Y/n: "Dad?"
Y/n: "Not worried, not worried..."
Panicking! Internally.
~Heroics Underground Stronghold~
MG= Miss Granada
MG: "So I'm Miss Granada, director of the Heroics program. You will be staying in our underground stronghold where the children of superheroes are kept safe while their parents fight enemy forces. We can't afford to have even one of you fall into enemy hands. This way."
I kinda tuned her out until I heard 'fight enemy forces'. That means my dad is about to fight.
Y/n: "Um, do I really have to go in? Because I won't fit in. I just don't belong. I mean, I'm different from all of them."
I say quietly.
Y/n: "Besides, my dad doesn't fight anymore. And after my mom died, he promised that-"
MG: "Yes, well. You know what they say about promises."
Y/n: "That you should always keep them or you're a big fat liar who can never be trusted again?"
She smiles and bend down to my height.
MG: "Are you going to be a problem Y/n?"
I shake my head and put up a fake smile.
MG: "Shall we?"
She says pointing to the door.
We walk into the huge door and there's a bunch of other kids. Miss Granada introduced me and she told me to take a seat in the front of the classroom next to a girl with curly hair. She then says we're all doing a wonderful job at cooperating. I just start my school work. It wasn't like I was gonna talk to anybody anyways.

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