Parish Lyrics

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Boyfriend pov

My girl really needs the bathroom what's taking her so long, I just hope we weren't interrupting

Girlfriend:hehe you know I really enjoy being just the two of us

Boyfriend:yeah I'm glad your not burning to since we're in a church

Girlfriend:ugh bf I'm not that kind of demon

Boyfriend:just worried that's all

Girlfriend:I wonder what would happen if Keith and cherry would come in


I heard footsteps and saw the nun coming at us with a michrophone

Girlfriend:I see a rap battle coming

Boyfriend:if this takes too long, use that cardboard replica we made so you can go alright

She nodded and finally the nun was in front of us

Sarv:sorry for the wait, just some errands, so are you interested on joining the church

Boyfriend: bop bep bo beep bo bap (sorry were not here for that)

Girlfriend :me and the boyfriend are just here to use the bathroom

Sarv:aww but it's seems you two would be perfect for this place, I'm sure of it

Boyfriend: be be bop boop be bap bup beap (hehe don't worry we can just leave)

Sarv:huh I didn't quite understand what your saying, but let me tell you why it's good to join

Boyfriend :skbeep? (okay?)

Song starts

Sarv:it'll be so much fun, when you come around, once you join we'll spread our word with love

Bf:thanks for the invite, sadly we'll decline, we have much to do

Sarv:it's fine to take time, we accept people like you, our church welcome you with open arms

Bf:I think I'm not allowed, after all I'm still nineteen, plus my girlfriends parents would disagree....

Sarv:before you leave, let me show you why it's good, to join and praise the lord~, cmon try and it will be fine

Bf:you know what, we will just listen to your voice, sorry to be rude, but my girl needs to use the bathroom

Sarv:once you join our church

You will be blessed, and your soul will be cleansed

Spreading Gods word, giving others blessings

Being good to others, praying every day

And you will go straight to heaven

Boyfriend :wow that sounds great, I'm interested

But we're not here to do that, we respect you but we can't join yet

If we can't go to the bathroom, maybe we'll go somewhere

Don't worry we'll se each other next time

Sarv: why not join us now, what's so wrong with that's, stick around with us and the rest

Bf:I think my girlfriends done, she used the bathroom while we talked, it was nice meeting you, hope we meet again soon

Sarv:it'll be so much fun, when you come around, you will join and spread the word of our lord

Bf:thanks for inviting us, sadly we'll have to decline, we really need to go so yeah goodbye~

Boyfriend pov

Wow that was a nice melody, though I think in the end her voice changed?

I heard clapping and looked at gf

Gf:hehe that was great the boyfriend

Boyfriend:Heheh thanks

Sarv:did you trick me.....

She covered her face with her hands and I think she's crying

Boyfriend:look ma'am I'm sorry, but we'll join once we're allowed since my girlfriend is not allo-


suddenly the doors closed shut, what the hell she was angry and her pink colors turned a tad bit darker

Boyfriend :w.. What's going on

Sarv:ehehe sorry for raising my voice but this is for your own good, her father ordered me to beat you but I don't want to do that it's mean, look join us and nothing bad will happen to both of you all right

Oh cmon he's still into that, I thought we just became pals, well guess this is what it's like to have a strick dad who's rich

Boyfriend:no lady, sure maybe I'm allowed but I won't join if my girlfriend wont

Girlfriend :um actually we'll-


boyfriend :no its a secret I can't tell

Sarv:well, UNTIL YOU WON'T TELL OR JOIN OR BEAT ME,...... You won't be able to leave tehee

Boyfriend :guess you haven't heard of me and girlfriend yet Heheh sure let's rap

Meanwhile with ruv

Ruvs pov

I ran and ran and finally reached the church out of breath


Suddenly the doors were shut tight and I can't open the door


shit I gotta think fast,where else where else

OH RIGHT the back door ill go right now, oh kid if your still there when I'm in

Hope you survive it..........

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