The Final Battle

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Weeks Before:

The night of the new moon soon came. The Blood Spiral Brotherhood began their attack on all major Huntik foundation bases. By the time it was all over; the only places left were Dante's house and a secret location. This secret location was only known to the Casterwill family and the founding members of the Huntik Foundation. 

Although there were a few other places that had been unscathed by the Blood Spiral's attack. The hometown where Prince Zen-Grier currently resides, the amazon's village and Lok's family home in Ireland. The Huntik team and other members of the Huntik Foundation regrouped while taking those who survived the Brotherhood of the Blood Spirals attacks to Huntik and Casterwill safe Houses.

Once everyone else was safe. (The normal humans who knew nothing about seekers and the Titians). The Huntik team split up in a means to divide and concur. Dante along with Guggenheim gathered the remaining seekers along with old friends and close allies to help defeat the Blood Spirals. Zhalia got in contact with the Amazons. They agreed to help in the fight against the Blood Spirals.

 In the archives of the Casterwill Estate, Sophie and her brother Lucas found some ancient texts to summon the Titians. In a means to help them fight against the nullifiers. Even though they restored the ancient books to readable conditions they still couldn't read all the contents from the book. Upon examining the contents further, a scrap of paper fell out from one of the books.

(Notes and Prophecies from Nostradamus himself)

"You need more than just the artifacts and relics. Now, you need to combine the powers of the champion with the powers of strong-willed allies. You know one ally, yet there is more to them than what just your eyes can see. He is someone from long ago. Whose life has been born a new. Forever, in hiding until the day he would be needed again."

Sophie and Lucas continued to attempt to decipher the rest of the ancient text of their ancestors, and that of the notes left by Nostradamus. As for Lok, Den and Harrison they were told to gather their strongest Titians, then get word out to Montehue, and Tersely. Montehue returned with them back to Dante's house. Unfortunately for the past two years Tersely had left the country. It was later known to them that he was unavailable for personal reasons.

Dante and Zhalia went out to seek another. He asked Montehue look after the others while he was gone. Sophie, and her brother spent their time reading through the ancient texts from their family's hidden library. Both teaching Lok and Den new spells and boosting their fighting abilities.

At the Blood Spirals Headquarters

Kiel: What do you have to report?

Wind: Silence

Shauna: We found out something from spying on the Casterwill brats.

Kiel: What is it?

Shauna: Apparently there is someone who will ruin us all! That is if they fight against us with the help of the Huntik Foundation and the Casterwills

Tantras: Find them! I don't care if you destroy them or keep them prisoner! Just don't let this person be contacted by our enemy!

Shauna: I know just how to do just that. That is if you'll permit me master.

Tantras: Very well you and Wind see to this matter. I have other business to attend to.

While the Huntik members were going about their business the Blood Spirals attacked again! This time they attacked The Casterwill Estate. During the chaos, the Huntik team had become split up. Lok and Sophie were with Montehue. While Harrison and his brother Den was with Lucas. The Huntik team fought off The Blood Spirals escaping through a series of hidden tunnels. While the others face off against the Blood Spiral Brotherhood. Montehue, Lok, and Sophie encountered Wind and Shauna.

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