Chapter 1

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The giant war was over, and almost everything had gone back to normal. Percy had gone on a quest to get Athena's blessing to marry Annabeth. But when he came back, a surprise was waiting for him...

Percy's POV

I had just got Athena's blessing, and was on Blackjack on my way to camp. He landed behind Thalia's tree. I patted Pelus and then went to the beach. First my plan was to go to the Athena cabin, but remembered that she usually is on the beach before dinner. But when I reached the beach, I wished that I hadn't been smart this time.

Because, right in front of me was a couple, kissing. First I dismissed it, but then I saw the girl's blond princess curls. And when I heard her voice, my heart broke to pieces.

"So, Annabeth... Will you break up with that loser Perseus soon?" asked a boy from the Ares cabin, I'm not sure but I think his name was Mason. I expected her to defend me, but instead she said; "I'm not sure, I think when he comes back. He has probably cheated on me while he was on his stupid quest!" She practically shouted the last words, and I slowly started to back away. I didn't even realise that I let go of the box in my hand, I just went to my cabin to pack my stuff.

Then I heard the other campers throw things at my door and shout things like 'How could you cheat on Annabeth?' and 'You coward, come out and apologise!'

So I opened the door and just said; "Too bad that you believed that bitch lies, and her new boyfriend, because I didn't do anything like that. Do you remember that my fatal flaw is loyalty?"

"Liar! It's your fault that everyone from the wars is dead! You were Gaea's spy!" If it would have been a new camper, I wouldn't have cared. But the words came from none other than Jason. And then my dad flashed in, I hoped that he would defend me, but luck never was on my side. Of course he sided with everyone else.

"Hereby I disown Perseus Jackson as my son, his brother has made me more proud than he will ever make me."

Oh, I forgot to mention that? Well, about a week before I left for my quest for Athena, another camper came to Camp half-blood. His name was James and apparently, he was my brother. You maybe think 'Yay! Percy has a brother!', well I did that at first, until he started to spread lies about me. And everyone believed him over me! Dad thinks that he is such a good son, and that I betrayed them and was Gaea's spy. And my fatal flaw is freaking personal loyalty.

So now, I'm packing my things and writing a letter to my former friends.

When I stand at Thalia's tree, I swear an oath.

I will never come back here

So, what do you think? Oh, I forgot to tell you that the bold in the end will always be an A/N. If I doesn't write with big letters, it isn't important. I think? You will have to wait and find out 😂😈(👈🏼I love that emoji)😎

One more thing that cam be good to remember, is that if I don't say anything else, it is the same POV as the chapter before.

-The author 

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