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I woke up and realized  I was in jazz room half way naked.

"What the fuck?"

"Goodmorning sunshine!" She said happily.

I smirked because she had my shirt on.

"Goodmorning you look happy."

"Game I'm always what you talking about?"

"Nothing damn I didn't even realize  I  fell asleep in here."

"Yeah well after we had a couple shots you kinda  just passed out." She said.

"Oh yeah and what else we do." I said smirking and grabbing  her by her hips.

She smirked and moved away.

"Well after all them shots you threw  up." She said laughing.

"I did not."

"Um hmm yeah you did and then after you had the nerve to bring it over my way and I need a reimbursement  on my Louie Vuitton sir. " She  said.

"Why you putting  tens on it?"

"Its on live  what  you talking about?" She asked.

"You serious?"

"Dead ass why you think I'm in one of your shirts I had to go get your clothes  from your room and switch my room you heavy as fuck by the way." She said  rolling her  eyes.

I chuckled.

"My bad jazz."

"All good."

We sat in silence for a minute  she looks good as fuck in my shirt I  ain't  going to lie.

"You got a staring problem you know that?"

"I can't  help it when I  see someone beautiful."

She blushed.

"Thank you but come on get dressed we got to head out." She said trying not to look  at me.

"Aight where we going?"

"You have 3 meetings and your album party." She said.

"Whos the meetings with?"

"Promoters , record label and Dave east." She said.

"Oh that bitch ass nigga."

"Knock it off." She said.


"You just don't like working with nobody do you?" She asked.

"I move better by myself."

"Well you better  learn how to do stuff with him  you  guys have a song to finish  in honor  of nip so such it up  butter cup." She said.

I smacked my lips.

"Aight fine."

"Good now come on get dressed we have no time to waste. "  She said.

"Oh so thats why your ass is rushing you wanna see that nigga."

"And what if I do?"

See she trying  it.

"Then I'm  most definitely  taking my time. What you see  in that nigga anyways?" Asking light weight annoyed.

"Well he is fine." She said.


"Ohhh someone sounds salty." She said giggling.

I can't  be salty over someone that's  going to be mine.

his perfect little assistantUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum