Chapter 2

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"No, no. Please no! Don't!" Alex screamed but it was too late. The image of the car exploded, Jack inside.

Alex awoke with a start, cold sweat running down his neck. Just a dream he thought, just a dream. Standing up we looked at his watch, 0430. He rolled his eyes and got dressed, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to sleep anymore. His back pulled and he frowned at the pain it caused. He had been caught on his last mission and they had wanted information from him. He obviously didn't give anything up and had the marks to prove it. He had always found it hard to stitch but it was much harder on a living person, especially if that person was you. However, annoying and painful as it was, it was functional. Tying his boots he walked out of the cabin, cold air nipping at his face and neck.

He allowed himself to relax as he walked around camp, not anywhere that people would see him though. He stuck to the shadows and trailed by the edge of the surrounding forest. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here, he thought to himself. It was calm and quiet. None of the hustle and bustle of the city was here and it was organised too, very organised.

Almost an hour had passed in what seemed like a few minutes and Alex walked back into his cabin to find everyone still asleep. He sat down right as their 0530 alarms went off. Fox rolled out of bed and got dressed before making his bed, Eagle did the same while complaining, Snake didn't wake up and had to be awoken by Fox, and Wolf got ready a bit uncoordinated. He was obviously not much of a morning person. They noticed him dressed and perfectly still on his bed a moment later.

"How are you already dressed?" Snake asked, grabbing a shirt from his own small dresser.

"I woke up a while ago and got dressed then." he answered honestly. They gave him odd looks, all except Fox, thinking that they would have to work to get him up, him being a teenager and all. They were supposed to love sleep.

It was Eagle that broke the odd silence. "Breakfast time!" he called as he left the cabin, heading for the dinning hall.

"If you can call it that" Wolf muttered, quietly enough that Alex was barely able to hear him.

"Who's that?", "I thought there were only four per group.", "Is he even old enough to be here?", "Was the brat sent here by his parents. To much trouble to deal with themselves.", "Does he look familiar?'' Those as well as many similar phrases and sentences followed Alex through the camp and into the dining hall. Ignoring them all he got his food and walked to the table, simultaneously dodging the feet that stuck out to trip him.

K-unit sat silently while eating, unsure of what kind of conversation to hold while the teen was around.

"So." Wolf started, "You work at MI6?"

"Yes." Short but true was Alex's reply.

"Did you ever work with Fox?" Wolf continued

"No." Alex said the exact moment Fox said, "Yes."

Eagle looked confused, "So did you or did you not?"

"We did work together on occasion." Fox said, looking at Alex.

"Why did you say you didn't then?" Snake asked.

"Questions." Alex stated simply, "It would lead to questions. Why we worked together, what we did, where we went. Those are questions that I don't want to answer so I said no."

"So you worked with Fox. We'll just ask him out questions so you don't have to answer." Eagles said smirking, turning to Fox.

"Nope." Fox smirked at Eagle, "We were partners. Partners work together. If Cub doesn't want things shared then I won't share them either. He has that right."

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